chapter 45

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(Next day)


(Y/n) looked up and saw Usagi running towards her, and before she knows it, Usagi jumped with her arms spread wide open and hugged her.

"We missed you! You have a lot of soccer matches lately! And we didn't get to go and have a girl time!" Usagi exclaimed.

"Usagi! How could you run that fast?!" Musa said, she and Ami catched their breath.

"Anyway! We planned to have a girl time today! You included! And you can't say no!" Usagi stated.

"Okay! I'd love to!" (Y/n) clasped her hands with a smile.

"I just said you can't say no-... Wait, what did you just say?" Usagi asked while Musa rolled her eyes.

"She just said that she would love to." Musa replied for (Y/n).

"So we're do we go first?" (Y/n) asked

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, we have to pack our things and go have a girls time at a resort. Ami already book us to spend the night there." Musa answered.

"Right Ami?" Usagi questioned as Ami nodded.

"Yup! I already booked us!" Ami exclaimed.


"Is this the house?" (Y/n) asked as they looked up at the creepy old house.

"A-ami, a-are y-you sure we're not lost?" Usagi stuttered.

"Yeah, Ami" Musa said

"This is the house, I'm sure of it." Ami answered.

"But-!" Someone interrupted Usagi.

"Thank you for booking this house."

"Ahh!!!" Usagi hugged Musa who is closer to her.

"I'm sorry for scaring you miss." A old man said. "My grandfather is the owner of this house so, I'm very glad that someone is finally going to use it." He smiled.

"No problem" (Y/n) said and smiled back at the old man.


"That old man was creepy! Creepy I tell you!" Usagi stated.

"Usagi, that's rude." (Y/n) frowned as Musa only rolled her eyes.

"Come on, let's go in." Musa said and walked inside first, then Ami, (Y/n), and lastly Usagi who keeps hiding behind (Y/n).

They all look around in awe because of the houses things is all traditional. "Woah! I didn't expect this!" Ami exclaimed, "see, Usagi, there's nothing to be afraid of." (Y/n) assured.

"Hey guys! I found the bedroom!" Musa called, waving at them to come over.

They put all their things to their bed, they then lay down. "What should we do now?" (Y/n) asked.

"We should go to the hot spring! I heard that there is a hot spring near the lake, we could easily find it because their is a cottage near it." Ami suggested.

"I like that idea! It'll make us relax! And look at the beautiful scenery too!" Musa exclaimed.

"Yeah! I like that idea too! Come on what are you all waiting for?!" Usagi said already in her bathrobe and holding her towel.

"Yeah, let's go!" (Y/n) said as they made their way towards the hot spring that Ami mentioned.

So what do you think?

Should I make Musa, Ami, and Usagi had powers just like (Y/n)? or not?
Please just comment on your ideas.

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