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Ranboo woke up in what felt like a hospital bed. Over the gentle hum of the air conditioning unit he could hear two voices arguing. He decided to pretend to be sleeping so that he could overhear the conversation.

"...complete surprise attack. He couldn't have done anything better in the situation he was in sir."

"You are one of the best pilots in the fleet. You know that split second decisions have to be made without hesitation. The reports that I am receiving say that Captain Ranboo was unable to make some calls in time and now 758 good men are dead or wounded. "

The first voice (which was sounding a lot like Lieutenant Smith's voice) let out an audible groan of frustration. 

"I understand what you're saying sir, but please bear in mind that we were locked out of the entire weapons grid and had our RADAR and DRADIS equipment knocked out. We were fighting blind. " 

"And?!" the second voice shouted.

Tubbo let out a visible whimper of fear and Ranboo felt the lieutenant's hand reach for his own . 

"Where were you during the attack? Shouldn't you have been out in your fighter leading the air group lieutenant?!" the second voice shouted again.

Ranboo felt the terrified lieutenant back up and squeeze his hand hard. 

He then heard a third voice speak up, this one angrier and louder with the same accent as Tubbo. 

"You stupid son of bit*h! You think you can come in here and shout at Tubbo like that!? This man saved way more fu*king lives that you did today so how about you shut your fu*king mouth admiral!" 

Ranboo's eyes shot open upon hearing the rank of the man in front of him. He was shocked that 1, an admiral would come to visit him and 2, that the third voice spoke to such a high ranking officer in that manner. 

The admiral was dressed in a green uniform and wore a look of hatred in his eyes. The admiral stared at Ranboo with absolute disgust. There was a long uncomfortable silence before the officer holding his hand spoke up.

"Admiral Clay, I would like to apologize for Sargent Simons' words. He is angry and tired and does not know what he is saying..." 

"NO! I know exactly what I am saying Toby. You can't just sit there and take this abuse. You need to stand up for yourself." Shouted the third voice. 

Ranboo turned to see the person from which the voice came from. He was wearing a red and white uniform which indicated that he was part of the Marines and not  the Navy. He had blonde hair and blue eyes that were filled with dissent toward the superior officer that stood before him. 

"Noted Simons. I'll see to it that you never get promoted as long as I'm in command." The admiral flicked his eyes towards Ranboo and said, "I'll deal with you later." 

With that, the admiral stormed out of the sick bay and slammed the door behind him. 

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