All My Fault

873 39 62

TW: Suicide 

One hour later, Ranboo was standing out in the hangar, wearing his heavily armored black and white Manticore™ space suit watching the deck chief do the last inspections of the exploration vessel that he was about to board.

"She's ready to go sir," the deck chief said.

"Thank you, Chief," Ranboo said softly before slowly climbing the retractable staircase that led to the main hull of the ship.

 As he climbed each step, he felt the last feeling he was expecting to feel at this time.


Ranboo was nervous.

Not because he was going alone, no

He was nervous because he had to do something he'd never done before.

Find someone he loved and tell him his life story and pray that he'd still love him back.

Pray that despite the murders that he'd committed, the innocents he'd terrorized, and the lies he'd told him, he'd still love him.

And Ranboo knew in his heart that Tubbo would not love him if he told him what he had done. Nobody can love a monster like him. Even if said monster is dressed in the most attractive clothing,

 it cannot hide what it is inside.

Ranboo sealed the door of the Diamondback Explorer that he had just boarded. He walked toward the cockpit, every step he took feeling heavy and clanking on the floor.

He opened the door to the cockpit, shivering at his own imagined scenarios of Tubbo reacting to who he really is. All of them ended with Tubbo hating Ranboo for anything and everything he stood for.

Ranboo sat down and started up the engine, the ship coming to life at the touch of a button.

"Delta Echo Juliet One Nine Three Eight, you are cleared for launch, please acknowledge." The radio crackled.

"Acknowledged, Enderman. Commencing takeoff." Ranboo responded into the radio.

Ranboo hesitated before pushing the throttle forward.

Am I really going to do this? Do I really have to face him?

Fuck it! I'm going.

Ranboo pushed the throttle forward and the ship launched. He maneuvered the front of the ship to face the exit of the flight pod and then sped at full throttle out of the Enderman.

Ranboo set the throttle to zero and his ship continued moving in the same direction and speed because of inertia.

Ranboo used the Diamondback's RCS jets to turn the ship so that the bottom of the ship was now facing the direction the ship was going in.

Ranboo pushed the throttle all the way forward and felt the G-Forces push him into his chair as he changed direction.

Ranboo put on his helmet and used its HUD to locate the shuttle that Tubbo took. Locking onto that location, Ranboo flew towards that part of the planet.

Ten minutes later, Ranboo's ship was breaking atmosphere. 

As soon as he saw that he was 200 meters in the air, Ranboo used the RCS to point his main thrusters towards the ground and pulled the throttle all the way forward. The G-Forces from the sudden decrease in speed plastered Ranboo to his seat.

The ship finally stabilized and Ranboo flew over the desert that Tubbo's shuttle was located in. Scanning large amounts of the desert for heat signatures, Ranboo found nothing.

Ranboo flew over to the location of the beacon from the shuttle and his heart fell.

Right in front of him, there was the wreck of the shuttle that Tubbo took, blackened and burned with parts of it still on fire. 

The cockpit was buried in the sand but after a quick scan, Ranboo concluded that there was no way the pilot could have survived.

Ranboo set the Diamondback down on the ground right next to the wreck and shut off the engines. With tears in his eyes, Ranboo hopped out of the ship onto the hot sand. Walking forward, Ranboo could see that there was no trace of human life, meaning that Tubbo died on impact.

No. No he can't...

 It's all my fault.

Ranboo ran up to the top of the dune to try and see if Tubbo had bailed out before the crash.

The lone and barren sands stretched as far as the eye could see with no sign of human life or any life for that matter.

 Seeing nothing, Ranboo fell on his knees and screamed. This was the same scream that he gave out when he was being tortured. 

This scream of raw, uncontrolled pain.

The scream echoed over the sand dunes and Ranboo began to cry.

He picked up some sand with his gloved hand and let it fall through his fingers.

This could be bits and pieces of Tubbo

He shook that thought from his head. 

This hurt.

This hurt more than the physical torture he was subjected to by Agent Quackity.

 This was a new type of pain. A type of pain that Ranboo had only experienced once before and even then it wasn't to this degree.

This is all my fault. I should have stopped him.

I- I have to avenge his death!

Ranboo pulled out his pistol and prepared to end his life. He couldn't live his life without him. He was the cause of Tubbo's death so he also needed to die. 

An eye for an eye if you will.

 And maybe, in the afterlife, if there even was one, they could make amends.

Tears streaked down Ranboo's face as he aimed the pistol at a weak spot on his suit. His finger tightened.

If anyone was watching at that moment, they would hear a loud gunshot followed by Commander Mark Ranboo falling face down on the top of the dune and rolling down the dune like a ragdoll. Flopping face down at the bottom, his body lay motionless and devoid of all life.

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