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Ranboo knew that Tubbo was going to wake up soon, and he dreaded the moment.

He hates me! He hates me so much that he was actually going to kill himself to get away from me!

A tear fell from Ranboo's eye. 

He looked down at the person he loved more than anything in the world and saw him begin to stir awake.


Shit shit shit shit shit I can't do this.

 Ranboo inhaled sharply and darted out of the room. Jackson looked at Ranboo in confusion.

"Whoa! Where- wait hold on, how-...?" Tubbo got up drowsily, looking at his surroundings in confusion. 

"Yo what the hell is wrong between you and Ranboo?" Jackson said, beginning to get frustrated by the fact that he had no idea what was happening. 

"RANBOO?! WHERE?!" Tubbo shouted, fully alert as he reached toward his empty gun holster. 

"He just ran out of the room. What the hell is going on?!" Jackson looked completely bewildered. 

"Lock down the ship! We can't let him get away!" Tubbo said before drawing his combat knife and running out of the room.

Almost immidiately, Tubbo crashed into somebody which caused them to drop whatever they were holding.

"Sorry, man. I'm just-" Tubbo stopped when he realized who he'd crashed into.

Ranboo stared at Tubbo with a pained expression and took a small step back.

Tubbo's eyes narrowed, "You!"

The lieutenant screamed as he slashed at the admiral with his knife. 

Ranboo blocked and disarmed Tubbo with ease, throwing his knife aside. 

"Tubbo, stop! Let me explain!" Ranboo shouted.

"FUCK YOU!" Tubbo screamed as he began punching Ranboo.

Ranboo effortlessly blocked every punch that Tubbo threw at him, but he did not hit back. 

Seeing that Ranboo was beginning to get tired, Tubbo hit harder and faster than before. 

This time, Ranboo blocked the punches and hit Tubbo square between the eyes. 

Tubbo fell to the floor in a daze as Ranboo knelt down to talk to him.

"Toby, please. I'm sorry for not telling you, but this is exactly why I didn't tell you," Ranboo moved Tubbo's hair out of his face and checked him for any injuries. 

"That doesn't take away from the fact that you murdered people in cold blood!" Tubbo shouted, attempting to get up and hit Ranboo again. 

But Ranboo was too fast. He climbed on top of the struggling lieutenant and held him down. 

"Can't you see? This is EXACTLY what Dream wanted! He wanted to torture me, and what better way to do that than feeding my lover misinformation so that he'll hate me?!" Ranboo's eyes were wide with desperation as tears began to fall from them. 

Tubbo continued to struggle against the admiral that was on top of him. 

"Please come back. Toby, please! I need you!" Ranboo pleaded.

Tubbo looked at Ranboo with anger in his eyes.

"No. You are alone. You will always be alone and I will not be there with you. How dumb could I have been to ACTUALLY believe that you loved me!?" Tubbo growled. 

That was the final straw. 

Ranboo's brain just shut down as he collapsed on top of Tubbo and began sobbing uncontrollably. 

He cried harder than he'd ever cried before.  

Years of bottled-up emotions spilled out as the bottle was broken by Tubbo's words.

His tears splattered all over the steel floor.

Every tear that fell left dark spots in Tubbo's shirt.

Ranboo cried until he went hoarse and then, he just lied there in complete silence, a constant stream of tears rushing down his face. 

Ranboo's energy seemed to be seeping out of him. Tubbo was everything to him and now he wanted nothing to do with Ranboo. 

Ranboo eventually just fell into a catatonic state, completely non-responsive to anything anybody did.

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