The Signal

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ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: ꜰɴꜱ ᴄᴏʀᴠᴜꜱ (ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ'ꜱ ɴᴇᴡ ꜰʟᴀɢꜱʜɪᴘ) ᴄɪᴄ

42 ᴍɪɴᴜᴛᴇꜱ ᴇᴀʀʟɪᴇʀ

Dream paced around his new flagship's CIC. It was the newest type of ship to roll out of the Core Dynamics shipyards. Part of the new Corvus class Battleship, the FNS Corvus was the first of its class and featured next generation equipment and weaponry. 

Despite this, Dream was still worried. 

He had killed Philza and taken command of the entire Federal Navy by force. Any leaders that opposed him were killed. But there was one small fleet under the command of an Admiral Mark Ranboo that worried him. 

This Admiral Ranboo was the first to figure out that Admiral Clay was in fact Dream. 

He was also the last leader in the Federal Navy that was against Dream. 

"Sir, you might want to have a look at this..." Dream's X.O, Sapnap said, motioning Dream to come closer. 

"This better be important," Dream growled, walking over to Sapnap and looking at the display. 

"What? What is so important that it requires my valuable time?" Dream spoke softly but with a steely edge on his words. 

"It's an emergency broadcast signal sir," Sapnap said, slightly quivering in fear. 

"Okay, and? We pick up thousands of those every day. What the hell makes this one so special?!" Dream grabbed Sapnap by the neck and threw him out of his chair. 

"It's... oww. It's the frequency its being broadcasted on, sir," Sapnap groaned, coughing as he recovered from having his windpipe slightly crushed. 

"Why does the frequency matter you worthless piece of- Wait what the fuck?" Dream's eyes widened in surprise as he saw what frequency the emergency broadcast signal was being broadcasted on. 

Sapnap stood up, recovering from being thrown out of his chair. 

"That's the fucking Operation Ender frequency. And it looks like its coming from the facility on Endaria," Dream paused. 

Nobody had used that facility in years. In fact, in the days following the escape of Mark Stryker the entire team (or what was left of it) abandoned the facility. The rest of the planet was uninhabited which meant that the only reason why that signal was being broadcasted would be that somebody had found it. 

 "Shit!" Dream shouted, "there's still evidence on that main hard drive!"

Sapnap nodded.

"We're going down there to erase it. We're taking this ship and two escorts. I don't need the entire navy knowing that I have connections to Operation Ender," Dream ordered.

"Oh and you," Dream looked at Sapnap, delivering a quick and hard hook punch to Sapnap's face causing him to fall down. 

"Learn to prioritize your information."

Sapnap coughed some blood and stood up. 

"Y- Yes sir," he said with a shaky breath. 

"Now lets get going! We don't have all day!" Dream shouted and marched towards the central table of the CIC. 

An hour later the Corvus was ready to go. 

"Count us down Sapnap," Dream growled. 

"FTL spinning up. Jump in






The Corvus vanished with a flash of light and almost instantly appeared in the Endaria system. 

"Jump complete, sir," a crew member reported. 

"DRADIS?" Dream asked. 

"No contacts sir, but we do have a large debris field bearing 011 mark 340. Range 2000 meters, sir." another crew member responded. 

"Shit that's really close, are we in visual range?" Dream asked.

"Yes sir!" Sapnap answered. 

"Bring up the camera feed. I want to see this debris field," Dream shouted at his crew. 

The screen in front of Dream flicked to the bow camera feed. It showed a large debris field that appeared to be from a large battle. In the center of the debris field sat a battered ship. 

"Zoom in on that," Dream said, pointing at the shipwreck. 

The camera zoomed in on it and Dream could now clearly see that the shipwreck used to be a Mercury Class Battleship. The port flight pod was missing and the hull was in a terrible condition. The ship looked like it had been destroyed years ago. 

Dream shuddered. The last Mercury Class Battleship he'd seen was... 

Admiral Ranboo's...

"Hmmmmm..." Dream ran his fingers through his hair. 

"What are you thinking, sir?" a crew member asked. 

"Shut the fuck up! Can't you see I'm thinking?! Don't you ever speak again unless you are asked a question!" Dream snapped at the crew member who quivered in fear. 

"Helm, bring us closer to that wreck," Dream said, turning to the helmsman. 

"How close sir?" the helmsman asked. 

"As close as possible. I don't remember there ever being a shipwreck in this system. I want to get a closer look," Dream responded. 

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