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Five Years Later, Present Day

"Thank you very much for your cooperation Commander Ranboo." Agent SAD-ist said, standing up. 

"Yeah okay." Ranboo replied. 

He had finally been cleared to leave sick bay. He had also told the FBIS agent everything about Operation Ender...

Except for the flash drive.

"What you have told me is enough for me to get you kicked out of the navy and jailed for life," the agent said softly.

Ranboo's eyes widened in shock.

Was this all a trap? Did she kill the other guy just to make me trust her and now she's going to turn me in?

"Fortunately for you, I believe that you are our only hope to defeat Wilbur," she said, ripping up the papers in her hand.

"You saved those civilians and you did what was right. You have a good heart. You may have been trained to be a killer but you are a good person and we need someone like you right now." Agent SAD-ist said.

"T-thank you?" Ranboo said, not really knowing what he should say.

"I, Agent SAD-ist of the Federal Bureau of Internal Security officially relieve you of my custody and drop any criminal record of yours." She said with a smile. 

Agent SAD-ist walked out the door.

Ranboo got up and began walking out the door. 

"Wait!" he heard a gruff voice behind him.

Ranboo turned to see the doctor standing behind him. The old, white man with caring eyes looked at the commander.

"Take it easy for a day, son. Try to just get some rest today," the doctor said.

"Will do," Ranboo responded and he opened the door and began walking out of the room.

"And be more careful!" the doctor shouted as the door slammed. 

Ranboo walked out into the hallway when he heard shouting coming from the gym.

Moving in to investigate, the commander opened the door and was greeted with a boxing match happening. 

Ranboo walked closer to the ring and was pleasantly surprised to see Tubbo, shirtless and in skin-tight shorts, boxing another pilot.

Ranboo just couldn't help himself.

He started staring at Tubbo with his mouth ajar.

God DAMN he is hot. Look at those arms, abs and that ass man.

Stop it Ranboo! You cant think like that! 

But its Tubbbbooo.

No! Bad Ranboo! Bad Ranboo!

Ranboo's mental battle to resist the attractive lieutenant ended up with him just staring longer.

"YO! Commander! Good to see you ok!" Tommy and Techno appeared at Ranboo's sides, snapping him out of his...                   his Tubbo trance.

"Hey guys thanks," Ranboo said.

"Anyway who you placing your bets on? Tubbo or Apollo?" Tommy asked.

"Who's Apollo?" Ranboo asked.

"He's a pilot. He's a bit... problematic and Tubbo gets sick of him sometimes. But these boxing matches really help their friendship because it lets them take out their frustration without hurting each other's feelings." Tommy explained.

"I'm still going with Tubbo," Ranboo said.

"Course you are," Tommy chuckled.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ranboo asked.

"Oh nothing nothing," Tommy said with a mischievous grin.

Clearly, he knows something I don't

"Well I'm going with Apollo guys," Techno's deep voice said.

Immediately after Techno said this, Tubbo delivered a right hook that connected with Apollo's jaw. Apollo fell to the floor and the referee gave Tubbo the win.

Techno sighed.

"Typical," He muttered.

The room got way louder as people exchanged Micro-Credits.

"Hey bossman! I've missed youuuu!" Ranboo heard an all too familiar voice behind him.

Just hearing his voice gave Ranboo a warm fuzzy feeling.

Ranboo turned around to see the shirtless Tubbo standing right in front of him. 

He wasn't able to stop himself.

"You look really f*cking hot right now," Ranboo blurted out, immediately regretting what he said. 

OH GOD WHY DID I SAY THAT!? aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Instead of backing away or looking at him weird, Tubbo just grinned and moved closer. Ranboo could feel his body heat warming him up as he got closer.

"and you're looking really sexy right now commander," Tubbo said in a low voice.

What is happening?! Is he flirting with me?! Help what do I do? I feel like I'm going to explode.

"Y-ye maha t-teh adgyu," Ranboo blabbered out nonsense due to his brain overloading.

"Come with me bossman. You need some rest," Tubbo grabbed Ranboo's hand and began leading him to his room.

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