I'm Getting My Men

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"Ranboo! You need to do something!" Tubbo pleaded with the commander with eyes wide with concern for his best friends. 

Ranboo clenched his fists and closed his eyes. He stayed like this for two minutes. 

I need to do something, and not just for Tubbo. I need to show that I can stand up to Dream. He needs to face the consequences of his actions.

A plan began forming in Ranboo's head.

 When he opened his eyes again, he seemed to change his persona. 

"Major Technoblade, get me your best marines in two gunships in five minutes. When I give the order, board the Spirit!" Ranboo ordered.

"Yes Sir!" Technoblade said before running off to execute his orders. 

Ranboo turned to Tubbo.

"CAG, get me every available pilot in their fighters and in the launch tubes ready to launch when I give the order. You have five minutes, go!" Ranboo shouted at Tubbo.

"Right away, Mark," Tubbo responded.

"Right away sir," Ranboo corrected.

"Right away sir," Tubbo repeated before running off to get his pilots ready.

He had heard rumors that Commander Ranboo had two distinct personas. When he was on duty and doing something serious, it didn't matter if you were his best friend or worst enemy, he treated you the same. He said he treated people by rank because they have earned said rank.

This was completely different from the casual Ranboo that most people knew. Tubbo might not like this side of Ranboo, but he was willing to live with it if it meant being with the other side that he showed more often. 

Ranboo sprinted to CIC where he was greeted by a panicking Ensign Ozaki.

"Sir, I just received word from the Spirit. The court-martial is over."

"Over? When did it start?!" Ranboo asked aggressively.

"I don't know. But they've been found guilty on all counts. He's going to execute them for murder and treason in thirty minutes." the ensign continued

There was a long pause as Ranboo shut his eyes and banged on the central table

"Status on strike team?" he asked, turning to the officer on deck.

"Ready to go sir" he answered.

"Very well. Get me the Spirit," he shouted at the communications officer.

"They're on the line, sir," the communications officer responded. 

"Spirit this is Enderman Actual requesting to speak with Spirit Actual immediately!" Ranboo barked into the phone. 

Several seconds later, Ranboo heard Dream's voice respond.

"Enderman Actual this is Spirit Actual, what could you possibly want this time, commander," He said lazily. 

"You told me they'd get a fair trial. What kind of trial could they have possibly had?!" Ranboo yelled.

"I assure you I heard them out. I weighed their statements against those of the guards and I took into consideration their service records and commendations. It was a difficult decision Commander, but I dare say it was a fair one," Dream said in the same lazy voice, even yawning in the middle of talking.

Ranboo shook his head in disbelief. "They have the right to have their case heard by a jury."

"I am a flag officer on detached service during a time of war. Regulations give me broad authority in this matter," Dream said, finally giving the commander his full attention. 

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