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One year later...

Ranboo sighed as he looked through the tempered glass window of his house. He took in the small, but high-tech town that he had helped build over the past year. 

When Dream killed all of the other admirals in the navy, there was a vacuum of power in the navy after he was killed. 

Ranboo had stepped in to fill in the shoes, but he was soon removed from the position by President Zachary Hudson, who was enraged when he learned that Dream was dead. 

As soon as he was removed, the Empire of Anechar declared war on the Federation. 

In the couple of weeks he was fleet admiral, Ranboo had ordered a whole fleet of cargo ships with four battlecruiser escorts (crewed by former members of the Federal navy that defected to join Ranboo's cause) to go to the system LHS 3505 and establish a settlement on the Earth-like world there. This settlement would be a safe haven for anyone trying to avoid the destruction of the war. 

Ranboo's eyes scanned Bladeville, the town that the civilians had named after the hero Captain Technoblade who had sacrificed his life. 

The modern homes were scattered around in between tents and more primitive buildings. People went about their day, seemingly unaware of the blockade of four Farragut-Class Battlecruisers and nine basestars in orbit above them.

In the distance, Ranboo could see the outline of the FNS Dauntless. The battlecruiser landed in the outskirts of Bladeville and was used as a city hall. The massive, two-kilometer-long warship was about half the size of the entire town. Although it was currently inactive, Ranboo knew that the Dauntless could launch and be fully combat operational in a relatively short amount of time. 

The sound of a door opening broke Ranboo's train of thought. 

He turned around to see Tubbo in the doorway looking slightly annoyed. 

Ranboo sighed, "What happened now?" 

"Micheal, Leoben, and Ares are playing tag in the backyard," Tubbo said tiredly. 

"Okay and?" Ranboo asked, wondering why Tubbo was annoyed. 

Micheal usually enjoyed playing with the two Cylon centurions that had befriended Ranboo on day one. After a couple of months, Ranboo had pained a red stripe on one of them and a dark green one on the other so that Ranboo could tell them apart. He'd named the red one Ares and the green one Leoben. 

Now, Micheal had made friends with the two Cylons and taught them human games like tag. 

"Micheal was chasing Ares and Ares tried to get away. He dove straight into a tree and then the tree fell right into the toolshed in the backyard!" Tubbo complained. 

"Pffft What?!" Ranboo laughed.

"It's not funneah!" Tubbo pouted.

"I gotta see this," Ranboo walked out the door that Tubbo had come in and was greeted by a fallen tree in the toolshed with Ares at the base of it.

Ranboo laughed while Ares stood up, glancing at the fallen tree bashfully.

Micheal walked up to Ranboo and hugged his leg. 

Ranboo looked down and saw Micheal's eyes wide with tears. 

"I'm sorry. I-... I didn't mean to chase Ares into the tree..." he cried, hanging his head

Ranboo knelt down to Micheal's level and put his hand on his shoulder. 

"Hey, hey. Look at me," 

Micheal lifted his head. 

"It's okay. We can ask Ares and Leoben to remove the tree. They're big strong machines and I'm sure they'd love to help you. What do you think?"

Micheal sniffed, "Okay okay. Thanks for not being mad at me,"

"Hey come on man. I don't get mad at you," Ranboo pulled Micheal into a tight hug. 

"Alright bud, go with the Cylons to make sure they don't break anything else while they remove the tree," Ranboo patted Micheal on the back. 

Tubbo walked up to Ranboo's side and slid his hand into the blonde's. 

"Sometimes I feel like we have three children instead of one," Tubbo said. 

Ranboo laughed and placed a quick kiss on Tubbo's lips. 

"Alright alright. Let's go inside," 

Ranboo and Tubbo walked into their kitchen where Ranboo put the dirty plates from breakfast into the InstaClean™ and pressed the button. 

Tubbo gasped behind Ranboo which caused the latter to whirl around and look at what had alarmed Tubbo. 

And what he saw was definitely alarming. 

Standing in the doorframe was Wilbur Soot, battered and bruised with a white streak in his hair, but that wasn't what scared Ranboo the most. 

A figure stood behind Wilbur that Ranboo vaguely recognized. 

The figure stepped forward and his face was revealed. 


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