Who's Laughing Now?!

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Ranboo knelt down to Micheal's level nervously. Tubbo did the same. 

"Hey, uh. I'm Mark. Mark Ranboo and uh Tubbo is my boyfriend," Ranboo said uncertainly, glancing at Tubbo for help. 

Tubbo immediately understood. 

"Auntie Teagen and Uncle Wayne want me and Ranboo to take care of you. So uh. We want to be your new parents. But we also need to know if you're okay with it or not."

"Wait a minute..." Micheal's eyes flickered between Ranboo and Tubbo.

"You," he said, pointing at Ranboo, "Are Toby's boyfriend?"

The child cocked his head, clearly confused.

Ranboo nodded. 

"But... Toby is a guy. And... you're a guy. How can-... I don't-... wha?" Micheal's brain seemed to short circuit. 

Tubbo sighed and put his hand on Micheal's shoulder. 

"I am Ranboo's boyfriend and he is my boyfriend."

"I didn't know that was a thing. I thought it was a boyfriend had a girlfriend," Micheal said, his innocent eyes wide with confusion. 

"Well, it is a thing. There's a thing that's called homo-"

"Admiral Ranboo to CIC! Admiral Ranboo to CIC please," a voice rang out from the loudspeaker.

"I'll explain later," Tubbo said, looking up at Ranboo. 

"I think we should all go," Wayne said, putting on his militaristic persona and running towards the CIC. 

Ranboo looked at the others, "What he said."

The four ran towards the CIC and burst through the doors. 

"What's going on?" the admiral demanded. 

"One large contact bearing 212 mark 34 at 14,000 kilometers," a specialist that Ranboo had never seen before reported. 

Ranboo took one look at Tubbo, who was holding Micheal, before turning back around and asking questions. 

"Dualla, any transponders on the contact?" Ranboo asked the communications officer. 

"Aye sir. We have federal transponders. Capital class signature," Petty Officer Anastasia Dualla reported. 

Shit! They found us. 

He picked up the phone, turning towards Dualla. 

"Get Foolish on the line. Now!" 

"Yes sir!" Dualla pressed multiple buttons on her control panel before Ranboo heard the click of Foolish picking up. 

"Foolish! I want you to move the basestar behind the Dauntless. It has weaker armour so it's better to let the Dauntless absorb any shots that come our way," Ranboo ordered. 

"Alright! Should I tell the raiders to launch?" Foolish responded. 

Ranboo looked up at the DRADIS display which now showed the contact at 13,000 kilometers.

"No, but get them ready to go. I'll tell you when to launch," Ranbooo put down the phone and put on his headset. 

The admiral turned towards Chief Petty Officer Wayne Jackson.

"Bring the ship up to action stations," he said. 

Jackson picked up the phone, "Action stations! Action stations! Set the ship to condition one! This is not a drill!" 

His voice rang out on the loudspeaker as the lights turned red. 

"Scan for identification!" Ranboo ordered. 

Action Stations! (TubboxRanboo)Where stories live. Discover now