The Child of the Dead Vice President

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"DO NOT SHOOT! DO NOT SHOOT! PUT YOUR GUNS DOWN! YOU'RE SCARING THEM!" Ranboo shouted at his soldiers that were aiming their guns at the two centurions.

Tubbo had landed the shuttle in the main hangar bay of the Dauntless. Unfortunately, as soon as Ranboo stepped out of the ship, about ten marines surrounded Ranboo and the centurions and aimed their guns at the machines.

"SIR! STEP AWAY FROM THOSE THINGS!" the colonel in charge of the marines shouted at Admiral Ranboo.

"Hey hey hey hey hey! What the hell is going on out here?!" Tubbo stepped out of the shuttle with his pistol drawn.

The marines closed the circle and Ranboo heard them take off the safeties on their guns. The Cylons apparently also heard it because they transformed their hands into machine guns and pointed them at the marines. Their red eye moved back and forth at a much faster pace.

"COLONEL! STAND DOWN!" Ranboo shouted, pulling his pistol out and aiming it at the colonel.

The colonel tightened his grip on his rifle.

Ranboo shoved his pistol back in his holster and marched right up to the colonel and snatched his assault rifle out of his hands.

The admiral took out the magazine and threw the gun and magazine to the side.

"These are my friends. Stand down, Colonel. That's an order," Ranboo snarled, towering over the colonel.

The colonel glared at Ranboo before turning around.

"Stand down," he said to the other marines.

They put their guns down and looked at Ranboo for orders.

Ranboo glanced at the centurions and watched them turn their machine guns back into hands. Tubbo nodded and put his pistol away.

"These are Cylon centurions. They are sentient AI and are my friends. Anyone who tries to hurt them will be thrown out of the nearest airlock!" Ranboo shouted aggressively.

He glared at the colonel.


Ranboo sighed as he turned to face the centurions and his boyfriend.

"That's just great," he shook his head and patted one of the centurion's metal shoulders, "Sorry you had to see that buddy."

"Are you guys okay with staying in the hangar? I feel like it would be the best place for you," Tubbo sat down on a metal crate.

The Cylons nodded and marched to the other side of the hangar and began having what appeared to be a nonverbal chat. They made hand gestures to each other and nodded as if having a conversation.

"It looks like they have a way of communicating without making noise. Like a wireless data transfer kind of thing," Tubbo put his arm around Ranboo as the admiral sat down next to him on the crate.

"I wish we could communicate like that," Ranboo said.

"Mmmm we kinda can," Tubbo responded, slightly nuzzling Ranboo's chest.

"What do you mean?"

"Like if I make this face, you know..."

"That you want me to do this," Ranboo finished Tubbo's sentence for him and pulled him into a kiss.

As they came apart, Tubbo started laughing.

"What?" Ranboo asked.

"The-.. The fucking Cylons are staring at us hahaha!" Tubbo laughed, pointing toward the Cylons who had stopped their conversation and were staring at the couple.

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