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"I need you to call Eotienses A3 on the Royal Priority Frequency extension 37," the old Captain said.

Ranboo picked up the long range communication device and typed in the frequency.

"Um, Its asking for a recognition code. You sure this is the right one?" Ranboo asked anxiously.

Puffy nodded, "Recognition code is Delta, four, five, six, three, four, five, alpha."

Ranboo punched in D-456-345-A on the communication device and a notification popped up on the screen informing Ranboo that the codes were good.

The line started ringing and Ranboo put in an earpiece to talk.

The line clicked as the other side answered and a voice that Ranboo thought that he would never hear again came through his earpiece.

"Hello, you are speaking with the Head Secretary to Her Royal Highness Princess Aisling Duval from the Empire of Anechar. My name is Billzo. How may I help you?"


I need to retain my composure because I cant have Tubbo, or- ...or anyone else knowing that I know Billzo AND Foolish.

"Hello Billzo, I am Rear Admiral Mark Ranboo of the Federal Navy aboard the FNS Dauntless. I would..."

"Federal Navy? How the fuck did the Federal Navy get this frequency? Jesus fucking Christ mate. My boss is gonna be pissed.  Hey, um... what was your name again?" Billzo said, cutting Ranboo off.

"I said my name was Rear Admiral Mark Ranboo of the Federal Nav-"

"RANBOO! IS THAT YOU?! YOU'RE ALIVE?!" Billzo shouted, again cutting Ranboo off.

"Shut up! Yes, I'm alive, but we cant talk about that here. I cant have them knowing..."

"What? Oh. Ohhhh I see. Well, what did you call about?" Billzo asked steering away from the topic.

Ranboo turned to Puffy, "He's asking what the purpose of this call is. What should I say?"

Puffy just yanked the earpiece off of Ranboo and put it on herself.

"Hello, Bill. Its Puffy. Would you please connect me with Aisling Duval. Thank you," she said in a sweet voice.

Ranboo and Tubbo looked at each other. Both of them were shocked.

Ranboo whispered into Tubbo's ear, "Is she talking to Aisling Duval? Like THE Princess Aisling Duval?? The C.E.O. of Unchain, the anti-slavery company in the Empire? The leader of the movement that is trying to ban homosexual executions and labor camps?"

Tubbo nodded, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure she is."

"How the hell does she know Aisling Duval??!!" Ranboo whispered.

He turned to face Puffy who had the earpiece in her ear and was having a full-on conversation.

"Yes, hi. Its Puffy," the old captain said into the phone.

Nobody else could hear what the princess was saying on the other end, so they were forced to hear a one-sided conversation.

Ten minutes later, Puffy ended the call and sat back down.

"Aisling says that shes going to try to send us a few warships, but she can't send them until she has approval from the imperial senate," Puffy reported.

"Great, we're getting help from the imps," Techno grumbled.

"No, we're not. Puffy, call her back and tell her that we don't need her help. I am NOT accepting help from imperials!" Tubbo shouted.

Ranboo grabbed Tubbo's hand.

"What is the issue? You were fine with the INV Farrier helping with the assault against Wilbur. What's changed?"

"The thing that's changed, sir," Tubbo looked up at the admiral with a frustrated expression, "is that the Farrier was outnumbered and outgunned in our fleet. If the imps show up to help us, we'd be the ones who are outgunned and outnumbered and as soon as the imperials realize this, they'll blow us out of the sky!"

Puffy  looked at Tubbo with kind eyes, "Toby, they're not going to attack us. They're coming to help us."

"No they're not!!! They're still imperials and they will take any chance to murder us all like the crazy savages they are!" Tubbo stomped his foot on the ground.

"I agree. The imperials are the longtime enemies of the Federation. Why wouldn't those crazys attack?!" Ensign Ozaki walked behind Tubbo, showing that he was on his side.

"Guys, they aren't crazy savages that want nothing but death. Most of them are good people," Puffy said, defending the imperial reputation.

"Good people! With all due respect, that is absolute bullshit! They literally legalize and support slavery. The slave trade is a massive part of their economy. They have public executions for people who are gay! How are they not barbaric?!" Tubbo argued.

"TUBBO!" Ranboo shouted at his boyfriend.

Tubbo turned around, his eyes showing a hint of anxiety.

"Come here..." Ranboo said, holding his hand out.

Tubbo took his hand and Ranboo led them out of the room.

"Meeting adjourned," He said.

Ranboo led Tubbo to the Dauntless' main hangar.

"Where are we going?" Tubbo asked as his boyfriend led him into the main hangar.

Ranboo stopped and sat down on a bench next to an F63 Condor.

"Tubbo, what is the problem with accepting help from imperials?" Ranboo asked.

Sure, the whole homophobic thing was a big deterrent, but Tubbo seemed to have other reasons for hating the imperials.

Tubbo stood there in silence. His face was hard to read.

Ranboo patted the spot next to him on the bench.

"Come here, sit down. I wanna cuddle with you."

Tubbo obeyed and laid down on Ranboo's lap.  Ranboo started playing with Tubbo's hair.

"I don't like the imperials, because..." Tubbo started then stopped mid-sentance.

His eyes widened and he looked up at Ranboo.

"I don't like them because my whole life I've been told they're evil and bad and my first interaction with an imperial ended with him saying that I should be publically executed. I don't trust people like that and if I don't trust them, I cant work with them," Tubbo continued.

Ranboo shook his head.

"We don't have a choice. We need more ships and they're the only source. As much as I know you hate it, we have to work with them," Ranboo gently caressed Tubbo's face.

"You can't judge an entire empire on one interaction Tubs, you need to give them a-"

Ranboo's wristband vibrated indicating that he had an incoming call.

He brought his wrist up which caused the holographic display to pop out of the wristband.

The display showed that Billzo was calling.

Ranboo sighed and answered, forgetting that Tubbo was there and that he didn't know about the past him and Billzo shared.

Billzo's voice exploded out of the wristbands built in speakers,

"Hey Ranboo, how's Noah?"

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