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"It's just down there,  do you see it?" Ranboo asked as he pointed at something.

"Mark, there is literally a blizzard. I'm struggling to keep the ship level. How do you expect me to see anything in that white mess?!" Tubbo shouted as he messed with the controls.

"Fine, just land right here," Ranboo sat down in the co-pilot chair.

Both of them had taken a dropship and flew down to the surface of the planet L'Manberg to get to Ranboo's house. 

"Why do you live here? It is so cold and you can't see anything and nobody would ever come around here!" Tubbo shouted as he landed the ship. 

"Hmmm, I don't know about you but those sound like great conditions if you're a fugitive," Ranboo rolled his eyes. 

Tubbo turned off the engines and stood up to face his partner. 

He threw a playful punch at Ranboos face. 

Ranboo just smiled and dodged the punch, grabbing the pilot's torso and pulling him into a hug.

Tubbo just shook his head.

"I hate it here," he mumbled into Ranboos's chest.

Ranboo laughed and took his arms off of Tubbo, turning around and walking toward the hatch. 

He stopped at the hatch and turned towards his boyfriend who was putting on a thick, green coat. 

"Wait for meeee. It's cold outside and I'm from Earth!" Tubbo whined. 

Ranboo rolled his eyes, "You are probably the most stereotypical Terran I've ever met."

"How?!" Tubbo crossed his arms.

"You literally make a huge fuss if the temperature is anywhere above or below 75°F!" Ranboo laughed. 

Tubbo pouted and pointed at the exterior temperature gauge, "It is literally -56° CENTEGRADE! I think I have the right to complain!"

"COVAS! What is negative fifty-six degrees celsius in Fahrenheit?!" Ranboo shouted at the cockpit-voice-activated-system.

"Negative fifty-six degrees celsius is equivalent to negative sixty-eight point eight degrees Fahrenheit," a robotic female voice rang out from the ship's speakers. 

"mhm mhm, okay. I guess it is kinda cold," Ranboo nodded his head excessively. 

Tubbo glared at his partner, "Why do you still use Fahrenheit? Celcius is way better."

"Whatever. Let's just go," Ranboo said, opening the hatch. 

The white hellscape that was a raging blizzard immediately caused the temperature inside of the ship to plummet. 

"Okay! Stay close!" Ranboo shouted over the wind as he jumped out of the hatch. 

Tubbo followed and grabbed on to Ranboo. 

Both of them fought for every inch as they walked. 

"Are we going the right way?!" Tubbo yelled. 

"Yeah! It's just kinda hard to see right now!" 

Despite their warm clothes, both of them started shivering from the cold. 

Ranboo felt his boyfriend let go of him and he heard a loud thump. 

He turned around and saw Tubbo face down in the snow.  

He knelt down and shook Tubbo. 

"Come on come on!" 

Tubbo remained motionless.

"oh Fuck," Ranboo sighed, picking up the unconscious pilot and slinging him over his shoulder. 

He trudged through the snow for another ten minutes until he reached a door. 

Ranboo brushed the ice off of a small, black box beside the door. 

He took off his glove, hissing pin pain as the drop in temperature made his hand feel like it was getting stabbed. 

The half-frozen to death admiral pressed his hand on the box and watched as it scanned his hand. 

The box lit up green and the door opened, causing Ranbbo to collapse inside of his old house. 

The door automatically closed behind them and the lights turned on which revealed two tall figures standing in front of the admiral and his unconscious partner. 

Action Stations! (TubboxRanboo)Where stories live. Discover now