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Ranboo stared at the door blankly. 

"This is bad," he said to himself

"What's bad?" He heard a small voice from the other side of the room

Ranboo jumped and let out a Yelp as he turned around. The voice was coming from Tubbo, who Ranboo had forgotten was still in the room.

"Jesus man you scared me," he said.

"Not as much as waking up in your room scared me bossman," Tubbo replied.

The lieutenant climbed  out of Ranboo's bed and walked over to his bag.

"We really just crashed after we got here. We didn't even unpack our bags," Tubbo laughed.

"Mmm well we're not gonna have time to do that now cuz Tommy just said that we gotta go," the commander said.

Tubbo let out a long sigh. 

"I like it in here though," he whined.

"uhh well, uh... we can always come back after we're done," Ranboo stuttered out.

Does he like the room itself or does he just like the room because I'm here?

"But I wanna stayyyy," Tubbo complained, jumping up and down as he said this.

Ranboo gave up trying to convince the lieutenant.

"Ok, fine. You can stay here while I go talk with whoever Tommy wants me to talk to," he said with a firm voice.

"Noooo!" said Tubbo.

"Why not?" the commander asked.

"Because I wanna be in the room alone with YOU," Tubbo said, emphasizing the last word.

Ranboo's eyes widened. 

Does he...

No .

That's not possible 

"You're coming with me Mr. Smith. And that's an order." Ranboo said.

Knowing that he couldn't disobey a direct order from a commanding officer, Tubbo bent down and opened his bag. He took out his day uniform and began getting dressed. 

Before he put his shirt on, Tubbo realized that his rank insignia was missing. He bent down to look in his bag. He found it in  the side pocket and pinned it onto his shirt. 

Right as he was about to put his shirt on, he turned around and noticed that Ranboo was staring at him. 

Ranboo was already in uniform, having somehow changed in thirty seconds. His eyes were fixed on Tubbo's body.

"Uhh bossman? You're staring again," the shirtless lieutenant said.

Ranboo quickly snapped out of it. He felt his cheeks get warm. The same warm and fuzzy feeling as before came back and was getting stronger. 

"Oh y-yeah sorry, I've just never seen you shirtless before," the commander stammered out.

Oh my god that was not the right thing to say! He's gonna think I'm creepy and he's gonna hate me. What do I do what do I do OH GOD JESUS CHRIST

Ranboo's head was spinning as he panicked at what he had just said. 

After an agonizingly long silence, Ranboo's panic was replaced with confusion when Tubbo said,

"Well this won't be the last time," as he gave Ranboo a wink.

Wtf does that mean? Is he gonna do this intentionally now?! I can't handle that. I'm going to spontaneously combust if he starts taking his shirt off every time we're alone in a room.

"Ok, can you just put your shirt on man, it's making me feel... something but I don't really understand it," Ranboo said.

Tubbo's dark green eyes looked right into Ranboo's. Ranboo had never done well with eye contact for long periods of time. It usually made him feel uncomfortable and sometimes angry. 

But with Tubbo, it just made him feel safe and warm.

Tubbo broke the tension by finally putting his shirt on and grabbing his shoes. 

This made Ranboo realize he had forgotten his shoes. He walked over to his bag and grabbed a pair of socks as well as his shoes.

Both Tubbo and Ranboo put on socks and then put on their shoes.

"Alright bossman, ready to go?" The lieutenant asked.

Ranboo nodded.

Tubbo opened the door and began walking down the hallway with Ranboo following him closely. 

Suddenly, the lieutenant stopped and grabbed Ranboo's hand, causing a strange, tingly feeling to pass over Ranboo. 

Tubbo looked at Ranboo and asked,

"This okay?"

Ranboo, again lost for words, simply nodded.

They arrived at the meeting room and Ranboo took a deep breath and seemed to completely change his demeanor before opening the door. 

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