Calculated Risk

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Ranboo opened the door of his and his boyfriend's quarters/office. He sat down at his desk and grabbed a holographic projector.

He tapped a button on it and placed it on the floor, causing a holographic projection of Wilbur Soot's fleet to appear.

"What the hell? How did you get this?" Tubbo asked, his mouth agape in awe at the detail that the fleet was projected in.

Ranboo sighed, "I had Kat run a recon mission before the Spirit jumped in."

"Are those Olympic Dreadnoughts?!" Tubbo's eyes widened when he realized the true gravity of the situation.

"Yep." Ranboo stood up and walked over to his CAG.

"During the attack, you and the rest of the pilots will be focused on destroying these," Ranboo pointed to the four Donnagers and the one Osiris.

"Do not engage the dreadnoughts. You will all be shredded if you do."

"Got it," Tubbo zoomed in on one of the dreadnoughts. "What are these tubes?"

"I've got Weapons Specialist Otonashi working on that right now, but we still don't know." Ranboo replied.

"And you're going to attack before you know what they are?" Tubbo asked, shaking his head at his boyfriend's recklessness.

"It's a calculated risk, Toby. It's better to strike as soon as possible."

"Why? What happens if we wait?" Tubbo argued.

Suddenly, the speaker crackled on and an alarm began to ring.

"All hands, action stations. Set condition one throughout the fleet. This is not a drill."

Ranboo walked over to the door. "What could it possibly be this time?"

Ranboo turned to Tubbo. "Stay here, you're too tired to fly combat," he sighed.

Tubbo just nodded and got in Ranboo's bed

Commander Ranboo ran through the grey hallways to CIC where Major Technoblade was waiting for him.

"What's the situation, Major?" Ranboo asked, walking over to the central table.

"We got a Majestic-Class Interdictor bearing 113 mark 238," the XO responded.



"All hands report action stations," the communication officer said.

"Roger that," Ranboo replied, looking at the DRADIS display.

"Launch alert fighters!" Ranboo ordered. "Who's on CAP?"

As if to answer his question, Lieutenant Apollo's voice crackled onto the speaker.

"Enderman, Apollo, I'm out on course to the Interdictor, Stinger is right here with me. Time to intercept, five minutes."

"Roger that Apollo. Be advised, alert fighters have launched and will take point on your six in three minutes," the communication officer responded.

"Roger that, Enderman. Alright Stinger, let's get 'em!"

Ranboo studied the DRADIS display. The Imperial warship was not launching fighters which was odd. Imperial ships were no where near as heavily armed as Federal ships so they used fighters to overwhelm the Feds.

"Major, why aren't they launching fighters?" Ranboo asked.

"I don't know. Maybe a trick?" Techno responded.

"Hmmm... That doesn't seem right."

Ranboo shut his eyes and clenched his fists, standing in his now iconic "thinking" position.

Ranboo opened his eyes and looked back at the DRADIS display. The imperial warship continued to get closer but hadn't launched any fighters.

"All weapons hold!" Ranboo ordered.

The commander turned to the communications officer.

"Ms. Dualla, ship to ship, Imperial priority one channel, send hostile challenge and ID and put the reply on the speakers," he ordered.

"Attention unknown warship, this is the Federal Navy Ship Enderman. Identify yourself or we will fire upon you," Communications Officer Dualla said into the microphone.

For several seconds, there was silence. Then the speaker crackled out a response.

"This is the Imperial Navy Vessel Farrier to the ship claiming to be the Enderman. We were sent here to attack a possible terrorist organization."

Ranboo turned to his XO who just shook his head.

The commander picked up the phone and said, "Farrier, this is Enderman Actual, authenticate identity with recognition codes immediately."

"Sir, I'm receiving Imperial recognition codes. They're authentic," Dualla said.

"Okay, but that still doesn't explain why they're here!" Major Technoblade reasoned.

Another voice came from the Farrier. "Enderman, this is Farrier Actual. Am I speaking to Commander Ranboo?"

"You are."

"We appear to have a mutual friend then, commander."

"Who are you?" Ranboo asked.

"My name is Captain Zelkam from the Imperial Fleet on a mission to stop known terrorist Wilbur Soot from causing any more destruction," the voice said.

"Well Captian Zelkam, keep your current course and reduce your speed. I will be arriving in your main hangar in ten minutes," Ranboo said before hanging up the line.

Ranboo turned to Techno. "Tell the fighters to disengage."

Techno complied. "All wings, disengage and await further orders."

Ranboo looked at Techno.

"I know it is usually your job to board an enemy vessel, but since I'm already in my armor, it'll be faster if I do it," Ranboo informed his XO.

"You have the conn, Major," he said.

Techno nodded.

Two minutes later, Ranboo, Tommy and Eryn were aboard a gunship with Tubbo and Halo piloting the ship.

Sitting down on the bench, Ranboo put on his helmet and prepared for launch.


A/N: Hi guys, thanks for reading. Because I added all of the backstory to Ranboo, this story is going to be a lot longer than originally planned. But that's okay because I plan to have it done by the end of the month.

Does anyone have any predictions as to who Zelk and Ranboo's mutual friend is? Comment here to share them!

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