You Don't Understand

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"You are getting upset at things that you can't possibly understand!" Ranboo stood up, getting defensive.

I can't have him find out. I can't I can't I can't. If he knows he won't love me anymore. He'll hate me and want to lock me up. He just can't find out.

Tubbo took a couple of steps back. 

"Dream has done awful things to me and I just wanted to see him face justice!" Ranboo yelled, tears streaming from his eyes. 

"Help me understand then! I can't help you if you don't let me in!" Tubbo walked towards Ranboo and grabbed his hand.

Ranboo yanked his hand away and pushed Tubbo away. 

"You just don't know when to stop prying, do you?!" he shouted before storming out of the room and slamming the door. 

Commander Ranboo barged into the CIC. Technoblade turned to face him with Tommy and Eryn at his sides.

"Ship status!" he barked. 

"Minimal damage to three batteries and four fighters destroyed sir," Technoblade said. 

"Where's Tubbo?!" Tommy shouted.

"I don't want to hear any more about Lieutenant Smith today. Am I clear Sargent?" Ranboo growled at Tommy. 

Tommy didn't back down. 

"I asked where Tubbo was, sir. And I want an answer!" Tommy said, getting right up in Ranboo's face.

"I highly suggest you retract that statement, Sargent!" Ranboo warned.

"Oh well I highly suggest you go jump-"

"SIR! UNAUTHORIZED LAUNCH FROM THE STARBOARD FLIGHT POD!" Major Technoblade interrupted their argument. 

"Identify that vessel immediately," Ranboo said. 

He turned to Tommy. "I'm sorry about that. I just have a bunch of stress on me and I kinda broke there. A good CO should never behave that way."

Tommy simply nodded and stepped back to allow Ranboo to do his work. 

"Its Tubbo. He's taken a shuttle,"Technoblade reported. 

Ranboo felt tears coming to his eyes again, but he pushed those emotions down. CIC was no place for emotion.

"Where is he headed?" Ranboo asked. 

"It looks like he's headed down to that planet over there," Techno said, gesturing to an earth-like planet on the display. 

"Why?" Ranboo asked, almost crying at the word. 

"How should I know sir? Should we prepare to launch dropship sir?" Major Technoblade stood there idly, waiting for orders. 

Ranboo leaned on the table with his eyes squeezed shut.

He left because of me. This is my fault. I need to go get him NOW!

NO! You need to give him space. Let him sit down there for an hour and then you should go down alone to get him. 

"No, Major. Let him have his time. I'll personally go down to retrieve him in about an hour. I will also be going alone," Ranboo said. 

"Sir?" Techno asked.

"Those are my orders. Major, you have the conn." Ranboo said before leaving the room.

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