It's Him

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The duo was immediately greeted with four faces all stood around a table. Upon seeing the one that was wearing a white, circular mask, Ranboo let out a yelp.

The commander shut his eyes and squeezed Tubbo's hand.

That's the mask. That's like the mask from the massacre. The guy that took me...

He was wearing a similar mask.

"Hey, its okay," said a female voice.

The voice was soft. It had a strong Filipino accent which reassured Ranboo that this was not the same person that...


God I can't even bring myself to say it in my head.

Ranboo opened his eyes and saw the person who spoke. Instead of having a sadistic smiley face on her mask, she had a frowny face. She was dressed in all black and white as if she was stuck in the silent era of film.

Ranboo looked up at the rest of the people in the room. There was him, Tubbo, the Filipino frowny black and white lady, Tommy, Major Technoblade, and a small Mexican man wearing a beanie.

"Sorry about that," Ranboo said, regaining his composure, "Its just... the... ya know,"

Ranboo made a circular motion around his face

"mask kinda startled me." he finished.

The masked lady looked towards the two marines who were standing at the door and nodded.

"It's him," she said quietly with a hint of sadness in her voice.

The two marines grabbed Ranboo by the arms and forced him into a kneeling position.

"STOP STOP WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!!!!!!" Tubbo shouted as he grabbed one of the marines.

The marine elbowed Tubbo in the face and kicked him to the ground, pulling out his assault rifle and pointing it at the lieutenant's face as he groaned in pain on the floor.

"STOP IT! DONT HURT HIM!" Ranboo screamed.

He didn't know why he was so protective over Tubbo. Every time he stepped in and defended the lieutenant, he had done so because his body and heart told him to. But when he shouted at the marine to stop hurting Tubbo, his heart and mind were perfectly aligned in intent.

"Tubbo! Are you okay?!" Ranboo shouted at the lieutenant.

"Listen to me. Stop struggling I'm sure thi..."

Ranboo was interrupted by the other marine hitting Ranboo's mouth with the butt of his rifle. He fell to the ground. His mouth was on fire and he could taste blood beginning to fill his mouth.

The marine yanked Ranboo's hands behind his back and bound them with handcuffs. Then he roughly forced the commander to sit up and face the beanie man. He then aimed his rifle right at Ranboo's head.

Ranboo could see Tubbo still on the floor out of the corner of his eye. His main concern at the moment was not what was going on, it was whether or not Tubbo was okay.

"Hello. My name is Agent Quackity of the Federal Bureau of Internal Security. This is my colleague, Agent SAD-ist, and you are under arrest for conspiring with rouges and attempting to form a coup against the navy." the beanie man said.

The agent then looked up at the marine aiming a gun at Ranboo's head.

"Lock him up," he said.

Then he looked over at Tubbo.

"Him too. I wanna interrogate him as well."

The last thing Ranboo remembered was the fear in Tubbo's eyes before he was hit over the head and knocked unconscious.

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