Guide/Worldbuilding Information (Feel Free to Skip)

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This story is considered sci-fi and my brain loves worldbuilding and technical talk.

Unfortunately, that means that there's going to be a lot of abbreviations, military jargon, ranks and a bunch of other stuff that isn't really explained.

I'll try to keep the technical talk to a minimum but here's a guide on the details of the world.


CR= credit

MCR= Micro-credit

1 CR = $50 USD

1 MCR = $0.50 USD

100 MCR = 1 CR

Federal Navy Ranks in Order




Petty Officer Third Class

Petty Officer Second Class

Petty Officer First Class

Chief Petty Officer


Lieutenant Junior Grade


Lieutenant Commander




Rear Admiral

Vice Amiral


Fleet Admiral


RADAR- Radio Detection and Ranging. This refers to 2D Radar.

DRADIS: Direction Range And Distance Information System. This is a 3D form or RADAR and can be used to see any contacts around a ship.

CIC: Combat Information Center. The nerve center or 'bridge' of a ship. It's usually located in the most protected area of the ship.

CAG- Commander Air Group. The fighter pilot in charge of all of the other fighter pilots on the ship. Usually held by a Lieutenant or Lieutenant Commander.

CAP: Combat Air Patrol. This is fighters flying a tactical pattern around or screening a defended target while looking for incoming attackers.

CO: Commanding Officer. The officer in charge of the entire ship. Makes all of the decisions. Their word is law. The CO of a ship is usually a Captain or Commander, but the CO is always the highest-ranking officer on board. Certain actions cannot be made unless both the CO and XO are in agreement.

XO: Executive Officer. The officer that is second in command. They carry out the orders of the CO and usually is the one to face any complaints from the crew. Certain actions cannot be made unless both the CO and XO are in agreement.

PDC: Point Defense Cannon. These are rapid-fire projectile weapons used by all military-grade spaceships for defense against missiles and ships. This is usually used in sci-fi when the writer doesn't like the idea of energy shields because PDCs are more realistic.

FTL: Faster Than Light. A descriptive term referring to technologies that enable travel across distances faster than the speed of light would permit. Usually comes in the form of an FTL Drive which is a central piece of tech that allows this travel to happen.

FNS: Federal Navy Ship. Placed before the name of a ship to show that it is part of the Federal Navy. Examples: FNS Dauntless, and FNS Enderman

FBIS: Federal Bureau of Internal Security. An agency devoted to enforcing laws within the Federation. It's kind of like the FBI.

INV: Imperial Navy Vessel. Placed before the name of a ship to show that it is part of the Imperial Navy.

SAR: Search and Rescue


Farragut Class Battlecruiser: The Farragut-Class Battlecruiser is over two kilometers long, heavily armed, and equipped with hangars capable of transporting four Federal Corvettes and multiple fighter squadrons. It.features a wide variety of firepower and can launch several nuclear warheads at once. It has been fitted with the latest RADAR and DRADIS equipment as well as a fighter manufacturing and repair facility. It has a crew of about 7,000. Its length (2,040m) is about the same as 6 Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carriers lined up. One ship in this class that is mentioned is the FNS Dauntless.

Mercury-Class Battleship: The Mercury-Class Battleship is a massive ship designed to tank a lot of hits and to dish out huge amounts of damage with its big 100 inch guns. Though the class is over 50 years old, several ships of the class have been kept in service. Even though heavy modernization was performed on some of these ships, many of the systems are manual which causes this ship's crew complement to be about 10,000 crewmen. This ship is about 2.5 miles long and is outfitted with some old, but functional, DRADIS and RADAR systems. It can also launch several fighter squadrons from its flight pods located on the port and starboard sides of the ship.  It was designed during the Second Tritium War that ended approximately 40 years before the start of Action Stations. An example of this class would be the FNS Enderman.


LAZHEAL: A medical laser device that is used to completely heal cuts and wounds in a matter of seconds. It usually does not form a scar. While it can heal amputations, it cannot heal broken bones.

Actual: Term used by the navy when communicating with other ships to inform the other ship that they are speaking to the CO of the ship. For example, if someone says, "Vanguard this is Dauntless Actual requesting to speak with Vanguard Actual," that means that the CO of the Dauntless is requesting to speak to the CO of the Vanguard.

Terran: Name for someone that was born on Earth or has lived on Earth for a significant amount of time. Often stereotyped as being wealthy and whiny when it comes to temperature.

Martian: Name for someone that was born on Mars or has lived on Mars for a significant amount of time. Often stereotyped as very militaristic and strong.

I hope this was helpful and please let me know if you find anything else that you want added to this.

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