New Command

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"Captain on deck!" shouted a middle-aged man as twenty-three-year-old Captain Ranboo entered the CIC of his new ship, the FNS Dauntless, for the first time. 

"As you were," Ranboo muttered. He wasn't accustomed to the formalities that came with teh rank of captain.

The middle aged man approached Ranboo. The captain identified the insignia on the other man's uniform that denoted that he held the rank of major. 

"Good Morning sir, I am Major Collins and I will be your Executive Officer while you are in command," said the middle aged man. 

"Great, I'm Captain Mark Ranboo..." 

"I know who you are Captain. I think that ,little stunt you pulled during war games was enough to not only get you your own ship, but have your name plastered all over GalNet sir," interrupted Collins. 

Ranboo studied the major. He showed no signs of sarcasm. In fact, the major seemed impressed with Ranboo's accomplishments. 

"Anyway, let's go through the Dauntless' specs, shall we sir?" continued the major. 

"Very well," Ranboo replied. Although he had studied the schematics of this class of warship extensively while he was at the academy, he guessed a refresher wouldn't hurt. 

"The Dauntless is the newest ship of the Farragut class and it has a crew complement of 7,000. The ship is nearly 2 kilometers in length and can carry 4 Corvette-class corvettes as well as multiple squadrons of fighters. The Dauntless also features a wide variety of firepower and can launch several nuclear warheads at once. It has been fitted with the latest RADAR and DRADIS equipment as well as a fighter manufacturing and repair facility..."

"Shields. Does this ship have those new energy shields that people have been talking about?" asked the captain.

"The Federal Navy has deemed energy shields to be ineffective, obsolete and too expensive to put on warships. The research on shields has been shut down. This ship, just like any other warship out there, is protected by thick armor and the most advanced point defense system ever seen on a ship, sir." Collins recited with glee. 

Ranboo decided that he'd had enough of the major's blabbering so he walked over to the door. Ranboo turned and said to Collins, "Lets go meet the rest of the officers, shall we?" 

"Very well sir."

Major Collins got up and led the captain to the meeting room. 


As soon as they entered, the two officers already in the room stood up and greeted Ranboo. 

A tall, pink-haired, officer spoke first, "Hello sir, I am Major Technoblade and I am third in command on this ship. I run a tight ship and expect discipline from all who crew this ship. You better not slack off cuz your job is a hard one, sir."

Ranboo was taken aback by the officer's statement. He seemed like the kind of person Ranboo didn't want to get on the bad side of. 

"I apologize for his rudeness, he is usually like this," said the tall, brown-haired officer beside Techno. 

He spoke with a soft but deep voice that had a heavy Imperial accent. Imperials were not uncommon in the Federal Navy, especially because of the ideals of the current Empress. 

"The name's Lieutenant Soot, but you can call me Wilbur. And Collins, is all of this formality necessary? We're all going to be working very closely so why not act like friends?" 

Major Collins let out a groan beside Ranboo. 

"Lieutenant Soot has never been one to observe formalities sir," Collins explained.

"I'm sure it'll be okay if Wilbur is going to complain about not wanting to observe it," Ranboo responded. 

He didn't know what to think of the duo in front of him. They were so radically different yet somehow managed to not rip each other's thoughts out. If Ranboo had to work extremely closely with someone any more chaotic than Wilbur, then he didn't know how he would remain sane. 

As snapped out of his train of thought, Ranboo noticed the empty chair on the other side of the room. This reminded him that there should have been someone else at the meeting. 

"Collins, shouldn't the CAG (Commander, Air Group) also be here?" Ranboo asked his XO.

"Yes sir, however Lieutenant Smith is usually late for things. He says he is always late because he has to deal with an especially difficult pilot, but I don't think that's true." Collin's answered.

As if on cue, the door burst open and an out of breath figure came through. He was a young, short and brown-haired guy. He looked up at the captain with a dazzling smile.

"Hey bossman, I'm Tubbo, your new CAG ."

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