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Tubbo's POV

Hearing Ranboo's cries felt like knives were being plunged into Tubbo's heart. 

When the admiral on top of him fell into a catatonic state, not responding to anything, Tubbo gently pushed him off of him and knelt beside him. 

No. He did love me. Fuck. I've fucked up. He does actually care. 

Tubbo shook Ranboo violently, trying to get him to wake up. 

"Wake up you dickhead!" Tubbo shouted at the nonresponsive admiral. 

Ranboo did not budge. 

"NO! I'm not letting you get away from me. I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I really am! I-... I need you! Mark!" Tubbo cried. 

He was right. I've just done EXACTLY what Dream wanted me to do.

Tubbo continued to shake Ranboo awake, but he would not move.

"Ranboo, come on!" the desperate lieutenant turned towards the hallway, "MEDIC! I NEED A MEDIC!"

Almost immediately, Cheif Wayne Jackson walked out of the CIC with a look of confusion.

"Wayne! I need you to get a medic! He's- he's not moving! There's something wrong!" Tubbo shrieked.

Wayne Jackson just looked back and forth between Tubbo and Ranboo, his jaw dropped and his face expressionless. His hands hung limply at his sides. 

"WAYNE! STOP LOOKING AT US LIKE A FUCKING GOLDFISH AND GET RANBOO A FUCKING MEDIC!" Tubbo screamed at the chief who immediately snapped back into focus. 

"No can do sir," Wayne said.

Tubbo glared at Wayne, "WHY NOT!"

"The only people crewing this ship are the survivors from the skeleton crew aboard the Enderman, sir. Only about 100 of us survived. No medics or doctors survived, sir," Wayne hung his head.

"Fine! But you're helping me bring him to sick bay," Tubbo growled. 

Wayne complied, clearly frightened by the behavior of the lieutenant. 

As soon as they got to the sick bay, Tubbo and Wayne carefully laid Ranboo onto the bed. 

"What the fuck did you even do to him?!" Wayne asked. 

"I DON'T KNOW! I just told him that he doesn't care about me and that I'd never love him and then he just started crying and now he won't respond to anything!" Tubbo cried, anxiously fidgeting with his hands. 

Wayne poked Ranboo in the face. When he didn't respond, Wayne turned to face Tubbo, "I think you broke him."

"Fuck you," Tubbo shouted. 

Wayne sighed, "You know, Techno had a kid and the kid's mother died a couple of years ago. He's staying with me and my girlfriend right now, but I was thinking of having you two adopt him because you were such a good couple and seem like you would be good parents. But I guess you've broken up. Shame, really."

"My boyfriend is... well I don't know what the fuck is wrong with him but he's clearly unwell and you're here talking about some random kid!" Tubbo screamed. 

He glanced at Ranboo, who was still in a catatonic state. 

"Make yourself useful! Go down to where the rest of the crew are and ask them if anyone knows anything about medical stuff!" Tubbo ordered, pointing at the door.

"Aye sir," Wayne said before rushing out the door.

Tubbo sighed and looked at Ranboo. 

The admiral was in the same upright position that they put him in and he looked awful. 

There were cuts and scrapes on his tear-streaked face, his hair was a mess and part if his face was darkened by soot from explosions. 

"Ranboo, come ON!" Tubbo shouted, getting frustrated that he couldn't do anything. 

"Wake up! I DO love you! I was angry that you kept stuff from me, but that's okay! Please! Mark come back to me! I-... I need you," Tubbo shook his boyfriend. 

"Please!" Tubbo picked up a thin, steel tray and slammed it on Ranboo's head, attempting to wake him up. 

When the admiral did not react, Tubbo raised the tray again and swung towards Ranboo. 

This time, Ranboo's eyes shot open and he kicked the tray out of the way and pinned Tubbo to the ground. 

"You said you loved me," Ranboo said, a snarky grin appearing on his face. 

Tubbo rolled his eyes, "Nope. Never said that."

Ranboo stroked Tubbo's face. His lips getting closer to Tubbo's

"Is that true?" Ranboo teased before pulling Tubbo into a lustful kiss. 

Tubbo broke the kiss and looked at Ranboo in the eyes. 

"I'm sorry for running away. I-... I played right into Dream's hands," Tubbo apologized.

Ranboo sighed, "What you said, it really hurt. But at the end of the day, it's my fault. I should have never kept the fact that I was an Operation Ender subject from you."

"Oh, about that. You said the video Dream showed me was edited. Do you have the unedited version?" Tubbo asked, pulling Ranboo into a warm embrace.

"Yep!" Ranboo held up the flash drive that Billzo had given him five years ago. 

Tubbo laughed, "Why is it on a piece of technology that was obsolete a thousand years ago?!" 

Ranboo rolled his eyes and put it away, "We don't ask questions here."

"Ugh whatever. Can I see the video though?" Tubbo asked, attempting to get out from under Ranboo. 

Ranboo shook his head and stopped Tubbo's escape attempt. 

"Only if you kiss me," he said. 

"Whatever," Tubbo teased as he pulled Ranboo in for a passionate kiss. 

Tubbo felt his boyfriend's hands slide down from his face and to his torso. 

He moaned as Ranboo explored Tubbo's upper body with his hands. 

The door opened and two people walked in. 

"Okay Tubbo. So this is Mr. Hoshi and he knows a bit about-..." Wayne's eyes widened as he noticed what the couple was doing. 

"Okay, can we not?!" he shouted. 

Both Ranboo and Tubbo looked up with guilty expressions. 

Ranboo stood up awkwardly, running his hand through his hair as he looked at Wayne. 

Gods he's so hot when he does that.

Tubbo, no! Not right now!

It's true tho...

Shut up! Stupid brain...

Tubbo stood up and held Ranboo's hand. 

"Chief Jackson, Mr. Hoshi, report to CIC and prepare to establish a low orbit around the planet L'Manberg. We will be with you shortly," Ranboo said. 

"Yes sir," Both of them answered before walking off. 

"Soooooo, the video??" Tubbo asked.

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