I'm in Command Now

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"Also, Mr. Brown's plan has been approved, however, you will not be the one in command for that operation," Ensign Ozaki continued.

"Why?" Ranboo asked.

"Apparently, Rear Admiral Clay has requested to take personal command of this operation aboard his flagship, the FNS Spirit, sir." The ensign responded.

"WHAT?!" the commander shouted, attracting the attention of various crewmen in the hallway.

"He will be arriving in one hour to take command of your fleet sir." The ensign said.

Ranboo sighed.

"Thank you, ensign,"

"sir," the officer nodded and walked off.

Ranboo arrived at the Enderman's CIC and was greeted with a worried Major Technoblade holding a piece of paper.

"Commander, Admiral Clay is running a suicide mission," he said in his deep, calm voice.

"What do you mean?" Ranboo asked.

"I mean that the plan for the operation that he's sent us involves the majority of our small fleet getting destroyed," Techno said.

"Who put this guy in charge of chasing Wilbur? No, I have a better question. Who put this guy in charge of my fleet?!" Ranboo banged his hand against the central table.

"Himself, sir," Techno said with a sigh.

"Can we report this to the higher-ups? Contest his authority? Can we make it so that he's not a dictator and another individual can question his orders?" the commander asked, his face buried in his hands.

"No sir, high command is a bit preoccupied at the moment," an old woman stepped into the CIC.

She wore the uniform of an officer and was walking through the CIC like a veteran.

"And who are you?" Major Technoblade asked.

"I am Captain Puffy. I was the CO of this ship during the war," she answered.

Ranboo and Techno exchanged looks.

"And why are you here now?" They asked.

"Hmm? Oh, because my son was going to this ship to do something or another and he recognized it as my old ship and invited me to tag along," she responded.

"You're Foolish's mom?" Ranboo asked.

Captain Puffy nodded her head.

"So does that mean that you are also the mother of Dre-" Ranboo stopped speaking when the old captain gave him a warning look.

"So you're the one that-" she started.

"AH BUA MEHEH BUAHBBABABA Mmm-Mmm Noooo," Ranboo made random, loud noises in desperation to stop this old captain from telling everyone in the CIC that he was trained by her other son to be an assassin.

"Anyway, you can negotiate with Admiral Clay when he gets here..." Techno continued the conversation from before.

Out of the corner of his eye, Ranboo saw Captain Puffy shake her head and mutter, "no you can't." before leaving the room.


An hour later, Commander Ranboo was still waiting for the FNS Spirit to arrive.

Admiral Clay's ship was a Farragut-Class Battlecuriser, the same class as the Dauntless, and it was way newer than this... museum piece that Ranboo was given command of.

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