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"You wanted to see us, sir?" Tubbo said as he, Tommy and Foolish stepped into the commander's office. 

"Yes, yes, have a seat," Ranboo said, motioning to the comfy armchairs. 

Tubbo instinctively walked over to Ranboo's sofa and sat next to him which caused Ranboo's cheeks to go red.

"W-Why are you... nevermind," Ranboo muttered to Tubbo. 

"Foolish, when was the last time you saw your brother?" Ranboo asked, getting back to the matter at hand. 

Foolish was clearly taken aback by the question.

"I- I uh... haven't seen him since... you know... we ah..." 

"Got it. Will you be able to recognize him if he were right in front of you?" Ranboo continued.

"Yes. Definitely, yes. My mother is also aboard the ship so if I can't, she definitely can," Foolish answered.

"Ok and here's the real important question. Would he be able to recognize you?" 

"Probably, yeah," Foolish sighed.

Ranboo looked down at the lieutenant who was holding his hand and leaning on him. 

"Tubbo, what's the status of your fighter?" Ranboo asked loudly, startling the lieutenant in the process.

"Good to go, sir. We finished like an hour ago and we just started talking about other stuff after," Tubbo said somberly. 

Ranboo sighed. "Keep it's engines hot, we might need it,"

Tubbo gave him a confused look. Ranboo knew what he was thinking.

"Okay. In about five minutes Admiral Clay will be coming aboard this ship. He has already killed 900 men in what he calls an accident. Technoblade has brought the ship to action stations and has put the ship on soft lockdown," Ranboo explained.

"Why?" Tommy asked. 

"Because the admiral has put himself in charge of my fleet and he also isn't who he says he is," Ranboo stood up.

"What do you mean?" Tubbo asked. 

"You guys know about Dream, right?" Ranboo asked, shuddering as he said the name. 

"Dream? The dude that killed a bunch of people, committed genocide, started a dictatorship outside of the bubble, and tried to manipulate kids into becoming soldiers? That Dream?" Tommy stepped forward looking concerned.

"Yeah that one," Foolish sighed, not liking how that was his adopted brother's legacy.

Ranboo took a deep breath.

"I have reason to believe that Rear Admiral Clay is actually Dream. I also have reason to believe that Dream never went to prison for his crimes and that he simply became a high-ranking officer in the navy," Ranboo said, finally getting his theories off of his chest. 

The silence that followed was more than painful. 

All Ranboo could hear was the faint babbling of crewmen outside in the hallway. 

"Why? Why do you think that?" Foolish spoke up, his face contorted in confusion. 

"He knew my name Foolish! He knew my name. He sounds the same and he has the same disregard for life. When he gets here I want you to look him in the eyes and tell me that he isn't Dream," Ranboo shouted, tears forming in his eyes. 

"Please. You have to believe me!" Ranboo pleaded.

"I believe you," Tubbo said softly, pulling Ranboo back down on the couch so that he could wipe his tears. 

"Thanks," Ranboo said before giving Tubbo a small, affectionate kiss on the cheek. 

Ranboo stood up and walked over to his spacesuit. This suit was basically a military-grade version of the one that he wore when he escaped Operation Ender. It had all the markings of a commander and was completely bulletproof. 

He began putting it on and looked at the others.

"You guys get yours on too. We might need them," he said. 

"Yes sir!" Tommy and Tubbo shouted before sprinting to the armory and coming back with their suits and began putting them on. 

The suits themselves were pretty tight on all of them which unfortunately caused some of Ranboo's...  assets... to be highlighted.

Ranboo turned around and noticed Tubbo staring at him.

"Who's the one that's staring now?" Ranboo teased.

Tubbo's face turned red and he plopped down on the sofa, crossing his arms and making a pouty face. 

Foolish looked between Tubbo and Ranboo and then cocked his head in Ranboo's direction. 

"Stryker are you and Tubbo like... a thing?" Foolish asked.

Ranboo clipped his combat belt to his waist and looked up at Foolish.

"Not now. Dream's getting here in two minutes.," Ranboo said. 

Ranboo actually didn't know what his relationship with the lieutenant was. They hadn't labeled themselves so they were just... friends? Close friends? Boyfriends? Ranboo made a mental note to ask Tubbo out later so that they could have a label. 

"Why did you call him Stryker?" Tubbo asked Foolish innocently.

Ranboo froze. Foolish looked at Ranboo as if asking for permission and Ranboo shook his head no.

"It's a long story. I might tell you later. Right now we need to focus or else we're going to have a crisis on our hands," Foolish said, dodging the question.

Ranboo loaded his pistol and placed it in his holster. 

He looked up and saw everyone except Foolish in their armor/spacesuit. 

The telephone rang. 

Ranboo walked over to pick it up. 

"Sir, Admiral Clay has landed in the main hangar," Ranboo heard Major Technoblade's voice say. 

"And all hands are at action stations and the ship is on soft lockdown as you requested," Techno continued. 

"Thank you Techno," Ranboo said before hanging up. 

He looked at his three friends. 

"Ready?" he asked. 

Foolish exhaled and nodded.

"Alright let's go," Ranboo said before walking out the door and leading his three friends to the main hangar to meet Rear Admiral "Dream" Clay.

Action Stations! (TubboxRanboo)Where stories live. Discover now