The Right Hand Man

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Ranboo instinctively pulled out his gun and slammed Punz into the wall, pressing the barrel of the gun to his head.

"Whoa whoa whoa what the hell are you doing?" Punz shouted in fear as Ranboo pinned him to the wall.

"You. You monster. You were his right-hand man. YOU DID HIS DIRTY WORK! YOU KIDNAPPED ME!" Ranboo screamed into Punz's face.

The rage and anger that Ranboo had towards Dream now exploded into Punz.

"Please..." Punz pleaded.

Ranboo stopped for a second when he saw the genuine fear in Punz's eyes.

Tears welled up in Punz's eyes and began streaking down his face.

"He had my family hostage. I- I didn't have a ch- choice. Please!" Punz pleaded for his life.

Suddenly, Ranboo stopped seeing Punz as an emotionless monster, but as a human being.

"What the-" Ranboo let go of Punz and backed away from him.

He kept his gun on him but his hand was shaking.

I- I HAVE to kill him. I-... Hes a... I can't. I can't kill him. I've killed so many innocents today. I just can't.

Tears started falling from Ranboo's eyes as he thought about the 17,500 good people that he sent to their deaths today. He could have waited and gotten all of the information, but no, he had to strike right then and there and now 17,500 were dead because he was impatient. As much as he wanted to, he couldn't bring himself to take another life today.

"Hey, are you okay-" Punz put his hands up and started walking towards Ranboo. His face was now completely devoid of emotion.

"GET AWAY FROM MEEE!" Ranboo screamed as he fired a bullet into the wall next to Punz, causing him to back down again.
Punz grinned for a split second but then noticed that he was smiling and quickly put on a scared face.

turned the corner with two marines behind him.

"He- He's not your pilot," Ranboo gasped as he got up from the floor.

"What do you mean sir?" the commander asked.

"He needs to be locked up, he's a dangerous criminal. He's Dream's right hand man!" Ranboo said.

Punz smirked at this.

"Hey, Admiral, how exactly do you know that?" Punz asked with an almost taunting tone.

"I was there on... " Ranboo started.

SHIT! I can't say where I know Punz from because then they'll know what I am. Nononono. There has to be a way out of this.

"Sorry, I think you got cut off mid-sentence. Do go on, Admiral," Punz said, almost laughing at the end.

Commader Gogy looked between the two with a look of confusion.


"Yeah that's right admiral. You can't prove that I worked with Dream because if you did, you would also be..."

A gunshot echoed through the room, cutting Punz off mid sentence.

Ranboo's eyes widened as he saw that a bullet had been put right between Punz's eyes.

Punz's now lifeless body fell on the floor with a loud thump. Blood spilled out of the hole that was now in his head.

Ranboo turned around to see who had fired.

Standing there with a smoking gun in her hands and an angry look on her face, the old captain of the Enderman looked up at Ranboo.

"I know who he is," She said, giving Ranboo a quick wink to let him know that she was on his side.

"This man worked with Dream and I can confirm that by saying that I've seen him following Dream like a dog since they met,"

"And how do you know Dream, captain?" George asked cautiously as the last time he asked that question, someone got shot.

"Because, Commander, Dream is my son," Captain Puffy said indignantly before storming away.

A/N: Sorry for not updating in like a week and I'm also sorry if this and the next chapter are a bit boring. The exciting stuff is coming, I promise.

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