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"All hands, prepare to jump to the Endaria system. Cheif Jackson, set the board to green and spin up the FTL," Rear Admiral Ranboo ordered.

He was in the Dauntless CIC with his officers. A somewhat cranky Tubbo was at his side and Techno was on the other side of the central table giving orders.

Deck Chief Wayne Jackson turned to Ranboo.

"FTL spinning up sir! Jump in five,





The fleet vanished with a flash of white light. Almost instantly after, the fleet appeared in high orbit over the planet Endaria 3.

"DRADIS?" Ranboo asked.

"One contact sir. Imperial transponders," Communications Officer Anastasia Dualla responded.

"Contact that ship, send hostile challenge and ID," Ranboo said.

Dualla nodded and pressed some buttons on her control panel.

"Attention unknown Imperial vessel, this is the Federal Navy Ship Dauntless. Identify yourself or we will fire upon you."

The crew waited in tense silence.

"Ranboo, its Billzo. Requesting permission to land," The speaker crackled with Billzo's voice.

Ranboo exhaled in relief.

"Granted Bill."

Ranboo turned around to face Captain Puffy.

"You're friends with Duval, right?" he asked.

Puffy nodded.

"I want you to take Billzo's ship and fly back to wherever they came from to oversee the Imperial Navy's deployment to help us," Ranboo ordered.

"Yes sir," Puffy said before heading towards the exit.

She hesitated, then turned around.

"Mark," she said, catching Ranboo off guard with his first name, "You have my permission to kill Dream. He is no longer my son. You know what, do kill him. He fucking deserves it."

Her voice was full of fury and there were sparks in her eyes. She turned around and marched out of CIC.

Commander Gogy just stared at her with a shocked expression. He actually looked like he was going to cry but was holding back tears.

What the hell is HE crying about? Is the stress finally getting to him?

"You okay Gogs? You look like someone just shot your dog," Tommy asked, confused about George's expression.

"Y- Yeah I'm okay. Thanks Tommy," George replied with a forced smile.

"Sir, the Imperial ship has landed," Dualla informed Ranboo.

"Very well. Prepare our descent into Endaria 3's atmosphere. Order the Yucatan to do the same. We're landing on the surface," Ranboo ordered.

"And the Enderman?" Techno asked.

"I want you to take command of the Enderman. Halt all repair work and try to undo some of it. I want the Enderman to look like an old piece of debris," Ranboo responded.

"Sir?" Techno raised his eyebrow.

"I also want you to get every ship we have in a launch ready position aboard the Enderman and put everyone who can fight on those ships," Ranboo continued.

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