Info: Wesley Thompson

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Gender: Male

Aliases: Generation-3, Kamen Rider G3, Kamen Rider G3-X

Motif: Kamen Rider Kuuga, Stag Beetle, Robot Armor, SWAT Police

Rider Type: Hero

Affiliation: SAUL

Homeworld: Earth

Rider Symbol:

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Kamen Rider G3: The Generation-3 System was developed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's Squad Against Unidentified Lifeforms division. SAUL had received funding from the city government to develop a reinforced exo-suit to combat the Gurongi, which were known to the police as Unidentified Lifeforms. Their design was based on Kuuga, who was thought to be the fourth Unidentified Lifeform to appear. However, because the Gurongi were eliminated before its completion, research on the project was postponed indefinitely. By this time, the data acquired from the first two phases of the project had been implemented into the Generation-3 System, which was entering its final phase of development and ready for deployment. With the emergence of the Lords, the police's G3 unit was commissioned to contend with the threat. 

Despite using advanced technology, G3 is vastly outclassed by the Lords and those that possess a Seed of Agito, leading to it being overwhelmed in its initial battles. However, Wesley's skill was enough to compensate with the system's limitations to an extent, allowing him to hold his own in several battles and even destroy Lords. 

G3 is equipped with conventional ballistic weapons. His primary armament is the GM-01 Scorpion, which is holstered on his right hip. The Scorpion can be augmented with the GG-02 Salamander grenade launcher, which serves as G3's main method of destroying Lords. For close combat, he can equip the GS-03 Destroyer on his left arm. The Guardacceler, which is used to access the Guard Chaser or can function as a backup weapon, is stored on the left thigh.

Kamen Rider G3-X: The Generation-3 eXtension is an upgrade to the G3-System developed by Sumiko Ozawa in order to address G3's failure to effectively combat Lords. G3-X offers a drastic improvement in combat ability, allowing it to fight on a more even ground with the Lords. Its most notable addition is an on-board AI to assist the operator. However, the AI's implementation was revealed to be seriously flawed, for the AI's calculations, though perfect, required precise coordination and synchronization with the suit's motor functions. If the operator could not coordinate with the AI, G3-X would act erratically and damage the user's body in the process. To address this issue, a new control chip with a less advanced AI was installed to make the suit less demanding on the user. 

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