Chapter Fifty Three.

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The feeling of fingers running through his hair had Kellin cracking his eyelids open, the soft thigh under his cheek jumped slightly, the moving car was the first thing he noticed.

"Are you awake?." The voice of his father said from above him, fingers never stopping in their movements.

Kellin groaned, turning around in his father's lap to bury his head in his stomach.
"Not awake enough." He grumbled, he could feel the pull of bandages around his legs and calves, meaning his dad and uncle must have wrapped him up while he was asleep.

Shisui, who was In the driver's seat snorted at him.
"I'm sure he's gonna need all the energy he's got for when the rest of them finally see him, not to mention Alex is going to hog him all to himself."

Kellin groaned in misery at the mention of his twin's name, he could already feel the constriction around him, like Alex had him in a hug from so far away.  Sometimes his brother was just to much.

"Can I go back to being kidnapped?."

Itachi snorted softly at his son's whining.
"Dont you want to see your mother?."

Mother, oh yes, Kellin would certainly like to see his gorgeous, loveable, pregnant mom. But that also meant that he was gonna get squished in hugs, which is something he really didnt need right now.
"Let me get probably a..weeks sleep before I meet anyone."

Shisui made a muffled sound of agreement, which sounded more like a snicker to Kellin, but he let it slide.
"Come stay with me, for a day or two before the predators find you."

That's not a bad idea, as much as he wanted to see his family, his body needed some rest before he gets ambushed.
"Let's do that." He agreed, poking his dad on the thigh when he scoffed quietly. His father pinched his earlobe softly in return.
"That would be greatly appreciated, Uncle Shisui."

Said man snickered, making a sharp turn of the steering wheel,  changing directions so smoothly.
"As you wish, my Prince. "

Kellin sighed, although they all lived in the same compund, Shisui had a way of sneaking in practically unnoticed, which was an A+ in Kellin's book, he would still be home, just right under everyone's noses, well except his dad and Uncle Shisui but that was beside the point, he would get a proper rest before his mom and siblings decided they want to kill him by physical contact.

The fingers started back to run soothingly through his hair, making his eyelids droop and before he knew it, his eyes slid shot and he was out like a light bulb.

Sakura was told though, because Itachi couldnt lie to the love of his life and Shisui practically adored her to death, so she was told, given that she would also be the one to tend to Kellin's injuries while he was recuperating. And she was his mom, that goes without saying.

"I cant believe you three managed to pull this off." She praised, impressed on how sneaky her family was.
"Shisui, please dont corrupt my son."

"A little too late for that, Kitten. " Shisui grinned.
Sakura rolled her eyes with a fond smile on her lips, knowing that it was already futile, her kids were already becoming like their uncles. The whole planet was doomed.

Kellin had his eyes half way open, squinting at his mom, who was standing in front of him, wringing the excess water from the cloth in her hands, wait.. how did she know he was here? Did his uncle get caught? His eyes flickered to the side where his dad sat calmly, sipping a cup of tea, talking to said uncle who was grinning.

Ah, his dad couldn't hide anything from his mom after all,

"How are you feeling, love?." Sakura asked, seeing that he was awake now.

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