Chapter Fifty-Five

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"You know, you didnt have to do that." 

Kellin turned around from where he was digging around his locker, looking for that damn Maths notebook he knew he had stuffed in there just before he was out of commission.

"Do I know what you're talking about?." He asked turning back to resume digging across, hissing when his binder folder dig into his palm.
"Shit, where the hell does a notebook go in a cramped locker."

"Oi, dont ignore me!." Ryou pouted, shuffling behind his cousin to throw his arms around Kellin and hook a chin over his shoulder, peering into the locker as well.

"Ugh, you do realize that you're fucking heavy?." Kellin grunted, his legs still trembling a bit as he stood.
Ryou, having probably read his mind, eased his weight off Kellin. He hooked an arm around his cousin's waist and continued to whine.

"Are you going to continue to play dumb?."

"What are you talking about, I get top Marks in all my subjects."

"Why you..." Ryou grumbled, jostling the body in his arms, making Kellin grunt.
"I should make you late for class then."

Kellin was about to tell Ryou he better not dare because Kellin was going to wring his neck, when Alex voice called out to them.

"Oi, hands off!." Said boy was coming towards them, a scowl on his face, Teegan besides along with an exasperated looking Akashi following.

"Here  comes the troublemaker." Ryou  muttered before a wide grin spilt across his face, Kellin was given no time to even close his locker before his cousin was grabbing him under the arms and hauling him away from his clingy twin.

Kellin blinked at Alex, seeing as how he was being dragged backwards, his brothers face twitched, the scowl deepening to a ferocious glare.
His own lips twitched, stretching into a grin as he allowed Ryou to get him away, he could tell though, that Alex wasnt really mad, he was just indulging Ryou in his ridiculous antics.

"He's mine for the rest of the day, cousin dearest." Ryou sang behind him, Alex's face twisted further making Kellin snicker.

"Ryou you asshole!." Alex growled, getting a slap from Akashi, who scolded him for being too damn loud in the morning

They managed to shake off Alex, thanks to Akashi holding him back and Teegan giggling cutely proved to be a effective distraction. Now Kellin found himself, hiding in a small alcove in the Goddamn Library, where Ryou had shoved him.

"Now, back to the matters at hand." Said guy grinned.

"Like getting to class?."

That earned him a smack to the shoulder, a indignant huff escaping Ryou's lips.
"No dummy,  did you think I didnt know where you went two days ago?."

"So I cant go out now?. What kind of interrogation is this?." Kellin whined before a small smile formed across his lips, seeing the how he had teased his cousin long enough.
"Do you really think that I would let someone get away with hurting my family, you of all people should know that."

Ryou shrugged, a wry smile on his face, his hands twitched with the urge to grab his still healing cousin and squeeze the stuffing out of him.
"Even if it's someone I like."

"Even worse if its someone you like." Kellin laughed, his eyes soften as he looked at his usually rowdy cousin and reached over to punch him on the shoulder.
"Give it some time," He said gently.
"I wasn't too mean, I just said the things that needed to be said and if it still wasnt enough, we can always get you a new girlfriend. "

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