Chapter eight.

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They somehow managed to barricade the way, and tended to the wounded, before fixing themselves up also.
Sakura really just wanted to go home, collapse face first onto her bed and sleep until the next blue moon.

Was that too much to ask?.

"Mom?." She looked to her side and smiled as Alex kneeled besides her, helping clean the wound on her shoulder as Itachi cleaned and dressed her back.
"What are we gonna do now?."

Kiba snorted from where he was resting against the wall, Ryou's head laying in his lap, running his fingers through his hair.
"I say blow the whole damn place up." He stated, looking pointedly at his brother in law.

Deidara had a huge grin on his face, already catching onto the idea, and had no problem with that suggestion.

"That's not a bad idea," Temari mused.
"I like it actually." Pein sighing next to her.

"Let's get the hostages put first, then think about blowing up a whole damn building." He reasoned, eyebrows raised.

Akashi grinned as his parents, snuggling closer to his mom, he was glad that they were all alright.

"I agree." Tenten.
"Get the kiddies outside then bring The place down."

Sakura hummed, slipping back on her shirt and pushing her self up on her feet.
"Let's see what we can do now huh?. "

"Then we can beat up the asshole who took you?." Kellin asked, eyes lighting up.

"Language, baby." She chimed, though she was smiling.

"I say let the kids at them." Itachi said, arms crossed next to his wife watching as his sons and nephews cheer at the idea.
"Give them a good lesson, besides, I'm not feeling to have blood on my hands when I hold my girls later." He smirked, pressing a kiss to Sakura's temple.

She pushed him away with a huff.
"Okay, here's what, Dei, you go ahead, scout out and plant your bombs wherever you find good, Kiba, can you call Yukina and Nanami to help you get the girls out, they can drag Naruto along." She sighed when she got nods.
"The girls and I will find those three idiots and the kids will help, Tachi you and Pein-nii search if any one else's down here, any more waiting and my twins are gonna explode with pent up energy." She finished rather dryly shooting her boys and her nephews a fond look.

"Mom!." The twins whined and Jane got to see how much this family loved each other, it was beautiful, so much trust and love, the faith and pride they had in one another.

Kiba rolled his eyes patted his nephews on the head, kissed his sisters forehead before bounding off to do his thing.

Tenten started walking, eyes and ears on high alert, Sakura, Temari and the kids behind her.
"Will weapons be needed, or are you all beating them with your bare hands?."

"We're fine Aunty Tenten, bare fists for us, can't say for Ryou, Krist and Akashi though." Kellin said, sending his cousins a light frown.

"We're find mom, swords already Akashi has his also." Krist said, fingers twitching.

How far could those crazy assholes be, this building was huge that they got tired of climbing stairs and tired the elevator instead.

"I can't wait to see their faces when this place goes up in flames." Kellin cackled, rubbing his hands together with a disturbing evil grin on his face, his mother and brother both rolled their eyes at him.

"How about we get their asses out before we blow up the building?." Akashi said, watching the numbers blink as they got higher.

"I want a good punch in, how does that sound?." Ryou asked, wriggling his fingers at his cousin.

The door slid open and Sakura poked her head outside to see of anyone was in the hallway, and with a quick flick of her head, their dashed out of the elevator, disappearing right in the shadows.

Tenten walked forward, scanning the rooms left and right, and came to a halt and stared up front at the slightly ajar door, where light was pouring out and laughter could be heard.

"Oh sure, have a party while raping women in your basement." Temari droned
"Nothing's wrong with that."

The three of them felt when their children stiffen, the word rape playing over In their head.

"Mom..did." Krist began but couldn't completed that question.

"No sweetheart, they didn't touch us, if they tried, they would be dead by now." She said, tilting her head to the said, telling him to remain silent.

Sakura crept forward, peeking into the room and looking back at Tenten and Temari with a nod, watching as they strolled forward quietly. The lids right behind.

She was the first to walk in like she owned the place, spreading her hands wide open in some sort of grand presentation.

"Ah, gentleman!.." She smiled wickedly.
"We have been looking for you three everywhere, mighty hard to find scumbags like you in such a nice place." She said, humming as her eyes traveled all over the big office they were in.

They watched as all three jump out of their shock, stomping towards them, with murderous intent.
"How the fuck did you get out!?." Nansi growled, hands reaching out to grab Sakura, but before he could reach, twin heads of pink appeared before his vision and his face was meet with two pairs of powerful fists, packing a punch just like their mother's.

He was thrown backwards, hearing a grunt as Sanji was suddenly laying besides him, groaning as he shifted, and watched as Daichi sailed over him, crashing into the chairs behind them.

He sat up slowly, eyes blinking as he took in the five teenage boys, all in a battle stance in front of him.
What the hell....

"Surprise?.. Meet our kids losers, the ones that are going to kick your asses." Tenten sneered.

"We won't be over thrown by mere children." Daichi grunted, standing up slowly.

"Yea, say that again when they don't slam your asses through the furniture." Temari said, arms crossed.
Akashi looked at the red spots on his mom sides and felt all his rage build up.

"Can we kill them?." He asked, a hint of desperation in his voice.
"Burn the bodies afterwards or something."  His leg was get twitchy now.

Alex winked, before he and Kellin dashed forward, throwing punches after punches at Nanasi.
"You are a total fool to think you can have our mom." Kellin growled.

"Hell you won't have any of them." Krist said from where he spun around , delivering a swift kick to Daichi's middle, crashing him once again through the table.

Akashi and Ryou had Sanji struggling to get up, once on his feet they quickly knocked him down.

"Alright loves," they paused an looked up to see Tenten standing there with several elastic bands on her hands, grinning.
"Let's tie them up and get out of here before Dei blows the place up."

After a wrestling match to get the bands strapped and tighten around them, Sakura quickly dragged all three of them to the elevator, shoving them in and pressing the ground button. While the kids kept glaring at the three men on the floor.

Once down, they each took one, pulling them through the now empty building and through the front doors, where Deidara could be seem grinning maniacally.

"Something's never change." Tenten mumbled fondly.

Itachi dragged his wife and kids one side, quickly tying the three men up and positioning them to face the building.

"And now for the grand finale." Deidara swooned.
He turned to look at Nanasi and his comrades.
"This is what you get when you mess with the Akatsuki."

And on cue the top of the building bursted into flames. Spurring broken glass and concrete over their heads.

They all grinned maliciously at the devastated and broken look on the three men faces before the police arrived, Shisui took one look at Sakura an the girls and slapped on handcuffs with no questions asked.

That shows not the mess with the Akatsuki.

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