Chapter Thirty Eight

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Hey guys, so sorry for not updating in a while.
First off my Cousin passed away recently and I haven't really been able to focus on writing, and second, I had a killer tooth ache, I swear I was gonna snap..

But I'm feeling a lot better, I haven't gotten over my cousin's death, but it'll be alright now. I'm actually typing this at work I figured I haven't updated long enough.

So without further due...

Kellin stared at his laptop screen, his eyes squinting as his fingers flew across the keyboard, he resolutely ignored the pink haired weight on his back and focused his attention on trying to hack the god damn main frame.

A poke to his ribs had his eyebrow twitching. One more time and he was gonna break a fricking finger. So happens the exact moment he thought that, was the exact moment he felt the finger press through his shirt.

Kellin twisted around to smack his twin across the head.
"Alex, you annoying idiot." He growled.
Said guy snickered, leaning forward to hug Kellin tightly.

"Can't you take a break? come on, You have been at this for five hours already." He whined, playfully ignoring the way Kellin struggled against him.
"Its almost lunch and I'm starving."

"Then go eat by yourself.. Stupid." Kellin grunted, why?, why does always happen when he's this close to getting through to his goal. Annoying siblings.
"Why the hell are you harassing me for, go away."

"But Kellin~." Alex whined, hugging him tighter, borderline trying to cut off his air supply.

"Ugh.. Let me go you damn leech." Kellin huffed, if Alex didn't let him go this second, he was going to elbow him hard in the stomach. The door choose that moment to open, revealing Seira along with Akashi, who had an eyebrow raised at the scene he was witnessing.

"Uh, should we come back?." He asked with smirk on his face.

Kellin shot him a glare, successfully wrestling his brother's arm off him.
"Oh I don't know, should you be somewhere else stalking a pretty girl or something?." He shot back, sarcasm dripping from each word, he pushed a pouting Alex aside, seriously how old was his brother?.

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