Chaptet Fifty Four.

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"Oh right, you were kidnapped at the moment." Seira waved it off like she didnt just give Kellin the shock of his lifetime.

"But.." He muttered, arms tightening around his youngest sister against him.
"What happened?."

Alex scratched the right side of his cheek, letting out a big sigh.
"The day you went missing, and mom called us to intercept whatever scheme Ashford was hatching, Kimiko was in the same room with us."

Siera smack her left palm against her right, a scary look on her pretty little face.
"She had the audacity to question Ryou about us wielding Katanas, like it was any of her her business!."

"She had some....Interesting words to  tell us."

Kellin's eyes turned a frosty as he listened to his siblings reenact the entire incident, they didnt leave a single detail out.
Looks like he was going to have a serious talk with this girl.

Sachi's pen scratched against the paper on his desk furiously, his eyes moving side to side with a speed that made him look a bit deranged.
He was, of course, trying to keep himself busy as well as his mind busy so he wouldn't wonder to other things he rather not think about right now, like how Kell-

Ah fuck.

Sachi groaned, letting his face fall flat against his desk, situated at the far corner of his bedroom.
The one thing he didnt want to think just had to pop In his head, didn't it?

A feeling of guilt erupted from his stomach, making Sachi curl his shoulders upwards and bury his face in his folded arms.
It was his fault, even as everyone kept telling him that it wasnt, Sachi would always blame himself, he should have never listened to his cousin, he should have stayed with Kellin until he had finished getting what he needed, he shouldn't have yielded so easily.

His eyes burned with the memory of finding out Kellin had been kidnapped mere hours after he had left him, the agony of knowing that he could have saved his cousin yet was utterly helpless to do so.

How was he to face his aunt now? He couldn't even bring himself to look at his own dad, the helplessness and guilty overwhelming his every senses.
Tsuki and Ryou both smacked him upside the head as they told him repeatedly that it wasnt his fault, that he couldn't have known that was going to happen. Ryou, whose so called girlfriend turned her back on him after finding out who their family were.

Anger replaced the guilt briefly at the thought of Kimiko, ugh, Sachi wanted to give the girl his own smack over the head but couldn't, because he didn't hit women.  His mom and sisters were women, all his aunts were. That would be really disrespectful.

The feeling of arms wrapping around his hunched up shoulders and a chin propping up on his head had him jumping, eyes flying open.
Haah, when did his door open, he should have heard the creak of wood being pushed open, more so, who the hell was hugging him?. Sachi was about to push himself up and whoever it was off him, when the lips by his ear moved making him freeze in place, because he knew that voice.

"Time for this little game of cat and mouse to end,  don't you think,  Sachi?."

Kellin actually felt much better the following day, sure his legs and calves were still wrapped with bandages but they could still hold his weight. That was good enough for him.

Now after having an early breakfast, being coddled by both his mother and father, Kellin had a few very important things to take care of.

"..Where are you going?." Alex's sleepy voice broke him out of his thoughts, making him pause on the shirt he was buttoning.  He looked over at his brother's bed, seeing one sleepy green eye peeking at him from the edge of the pillow.

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