Chapter Thirty Nine

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Hey guys, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, I hope all is well with you guys.. And I'm so sorry for updating late.... Work has me beat every time.. But enough of that, I'll update whenever I can... Enjoy!!

His mom was pissed, Alex thought as he watched his brother sleep, hooked up to a monitor. But she wasn't pissed at them, that was for sure but at the two men currently tied up and placed at her feet.

They were clearly foreigners, you could see that clearly.
Both dressed in black with about a billion wires connected in them, and it took Sachi just one flick of his fingers to disconnect all of them.

"Who was the son of a bitch that threw the dagger?." Sakura snarled, Alex coughed to hide the snicker that escaped his mouth.
The two men on the floor stubbornly remained quiet, Alex almost felt sorry for them, they better answer if they wanted to remain alive.

And judging from the snickering from his cousins, they thought the same.

"Relax Sak," Ino said walking into the room with the same dramatic flair she had since she was younger, Sakura gave her an incredulous look, like 'what the hell you blonde psycho, can't you see I'm interrogating here!?.'

Ino pretended she didn't see that look and continued to strut up to the men who was looking at her warily.
They had the right, because all Ino did was smile sweetly at them, brought her hands up to form a triangle, a mutter was heard before they're bodies slumped forward, heads hitting their chests.

"Wow... " Sachi said, eyes wide open and leaning froward from his seat next to Krist.
"Aunt Ino, what did you do?." He asked excitedly.

Ino smirked, propping a hand on her hip, but she didn't say anything for a few minutes. She huffed, turning to face Sakura with a small smirk.
"Well, it looks like there's another bastard to get rid of, apparently Wickermore has a buddy called Ashford Richard, who agreed to help him in exchange for the pink haired boy he wants to kill, his daughter caught sight of Kellin during a conference and now wants him for her own."

"Too bad the crazy chick doesn't know that Kellin has a huge overprotective family and a twin that will kill for him." Ryou snorted with a scary grin on his face, looks like Alex wasnt the only one who would Kill for the pink haired boy on the bed.

Sakura crossed her arms over her chest, frowning.
"Is Ichiru downstairs?."

Ino rolled her eyes fondly
"Yes, busy tinkering with one of his trinkets again."

"Good." Sakura turned to look at Alex, her eyes soften as she approached one half of her twin boys, gently running a hand through his hair, she smiled as Alex immediately melted into her touch.
"Do me a favor, baby. Go get your father and Uncle Shisui for me, and tell them to get Uncle Ichiru here also."

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