Chapter Thirty Five

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Kellin blinked his eyes open to stare straight up a his uncle Deidara's living room ceiling, a groan left his lips at the weight of what was about three people pressing down on him.

"Ah, finally awake are we?." He looked up at to see blue eyes looking down at him fondly.
"You guys have been out for hours now!."

"Uncle Deidara," he muttered
"Get them off me please." His uncle grinned, reaching forward to gently tug Teegan away, moving Seira off him next, he left Alex were he was and Kellin wanted to punch him, didn't he know his brother was damn heavy.
He pushed himself up onto his elbows and glanced down at his sleeping brother, brows meeting in the middle of his forehead when he saw that Alex was drooling on him, fondness welled up in his throat at how comfortable his brother was sleeping on top of him like this.

"How long did you say we were out, uncle Deidara?." Kellin looked up at his blonde haired uncle and watched as he smiled.
"About five hours or so, more or less you guys immediately crashed as soon as you got back it was quite funny if you asked me."

Kellin didn't know if that was funny or not but decided to keep that bit of information to himself for now. His head snapped to the side where his mom, his older, very pregnant mom walked through carrying a tray filled with food, the smell wafting from the tray itself made Kellin's stomach give a rumble.

"Well now it seems like someone's hungry." Sakura teased setting down the tray on the small table at the side of the futon they were all laying on. Lending over, she pressed a kiss to his brow, a hand going to run her fingers through Alex's hair, she turned her attention to one of her daughters, watching as she breathed in evenly, still asleep curled up besides Teegan, Sakura shook her head caressing Seira's cheeks gently.
"As Dei said, you guys have been asleep for a good couple hours, you must be hungry."

At the mention of food Alex began to stir against his chest, groaning like a spoiled child and curling up tighter against Kellin

"Oi, I'm not a pillow god damn it." He huffed, one hand raising to push at his twin's stupid identical hair, a tick formed on his forehead when Alex merely snuggled closer, pressing his nose deeper against Kellin's chest. Without warning, Kellin grabbed hold of both of Alex's ears, thumbs and index fingers twisting the appendage in two different directions. He ignored both his mom and uncle's snorts and focus on making the ear twisting as painful as possible.

Alex yelped, shooting up from his position to dislodge his grip, scrambling as far away from his twin as possible.
"What the hell was that?!." He whined rubbing his ears, glaring at his smug looking twin as Kellin pushed himself up into a sitting position, a smirk on his face.

"That, brother dearest is my new wake up call, like it?."

"Like it?." Alex parroted a sneer on his handsome features
"How bout I try it and see how you like it." He growled lunging forward to get hold of his brother's ear but Kellin dodged out of the way, he rolled to the side and was immediately on his feet, bolting out the room with a triumphant laugh.

"Get back here, you son of a-"

"Language!." Deidara said cutting his statement off, an amused brow raised, Sakura coughed to hide her snicker, Alex sent them a sheepish look and then he was off right on his brother's tail. Sakura shook her head at her sons antics, looking down at Seira and Teegan, who were both still out cold, it was really something that these two still remained asleep through that whole fiasco.

Meanwhile, Kellin was zooming through the house he knows by heart even if it was his aunt's, he's been in here enough times to memorize the entire layout. Dashing through the living room to come out in the kitchen where his aunts were having lunch, dinner?... Eh whatever.

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