Chapter Twenty

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Mila bounced back and fort on her toes as she stood patiently waiting for her mom to come pick her up from school. The other kids were already hopping into vehicles or walking home, but her mommy told her that she would come pick Mila up.

Laughter had her head turning to the side to see four older looking kids that were in higher grades than her, two guys and two girls that looked like they would claw out her eyes for no reason. Mila careful looked back in front of her, she really didn't want to draw trouble for herself.

"Hey, its that two colored haired girl!." Curse her luck.

The brown haired girl of the group said with a nasty smirk on her face, Mila said nothing in return however, hoping that they would all just go away.

"Hey, don't ignore us you little freak." The other girl yelled and suddenly they all were stomping towards her with smirks on their faces.

Good Kami, she was only eleven for heavens sake... I don't wanna die yet!.

"Heh. What's with the face freak?." The guy with the cropped black hair sneered.
"Afraid we'll do something to you?."

Mila took a step backwards, still not opening her mouth to talk back. She knew this must be irritating the older kids but she still wasn't going to give in to their taunts, no matter how much they called her a freak.

Was it wrong that she had both her parents hair colors?.

"Hey little freak." The long black haired girl with a really scary face said.
"Answer us when we're talking to you."

Mila pressed her lips tightly, she wouldn't open her mouth, she wouldn't. Again with the freak word, it didn't bother her when they said that if anything she was proud to be who she was.

"Let's teach her a lesson to ignore us huh?." The last guy, a brown haired guy said, cracking his knuckles for emphasis and stepping forward threateningly.

Mila swore loudly in her mind and was about to get in to a battle stance to fight back but before the boy could take another step towards her, a hand gripped his shirt collar from behind and literally lifted him bodily off the ground.

"What was that you little punk?." The darkness heard in the voice was something Mila welcomed.

She gasped, eyes lighting up in relief at seeing her older brother dangling a teenage kid by the back of his school shirt.

Kellin gave her a once over, eyes taking in her stance and searching her for any injuries. When he found non he twitched his head to the side and Mila happily ran to him.

"Now what was that I heard?." He asked once more, shaking the kid In his grasp and sending the other three a dark look that had them freezing in place.
"You punks think you can pick on my sister and get away with it?." He purred, hands shooting out to grasp the brown haired girl by the arm and pulled her towards him

"What was it I heard you call her?." He asked with a chilling smile.
"A freak was it?." The girl gulped and Kellin smile brighten.

He turned them to face Mila, and with another dark glare had all four of them lining up before his baby sister.
"Now, I want each of you assholes to apologize to my sister right now, otherwise its going to be hell to pay."

They all scrambled to apologize, stuttering over their words and trembling.
Kellin grunted as Mila nodded after their apologizes.

"Get going, if I ever see this happening again I won't hesitate to beat the crap out of you." He gave the two females a dark look.
"Girls included."

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