Chapter Twenty Two

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"Kellin is being hesitant around us." Teegan stated as he dropped into the seat besides Akashi and Alex.

The fiery head boy roll his eyes, taking a pencil to poke Alex rather hard on his cheek.
"I wonder why."

"Ow." Alex complained, shoving Akashi's hand away to rub at his cheek, he turned to Teegan and the small boy pressed a kiss to the aching area.

"Heh." Akashi shrugged.
"That's exactly why."

The two in question looked at him with equal expression of confusion on their faces.
Akashi wondered sometimes why his cousin was so dense when he was in love...bleh.

"I mean." He stressed the last word.
"That Kellin is hesitant around you two idiots." He ignored their protests.
"He's not sure what else Alex will tell him again if he casually touches one of you... Last time the request was what...alone time?." He sent Alex a dark glare at that.

"But we were the ones that need forgiving, he shouldn't be so around us." Teegan said, his small clenching into fists.

"Yes well," Akashi sighed.
"Not everyone would get over being rejected by their own brother, watching their mom defend herself while defenceless and nearly dying in the process." He took in the way they flinched with a small sense of satisfaction running through him, it wasn't so easy as they made it sound.

Kellin still had to make a recovery mentally to forgive them fully.

The sound of girlish giggling had Kellin frowning down at the work he was doing through his classes free period. His side was aching a bit and his head was killing him.
Not to mention it was only him in Modern Studies class today and the girly laughter were increasing his headache.

Was to hard to ask for some peace and quiet?. Ugh..

There was a squeal from somewhere outside and Kellin winced. God damn it he thinks he's getting sick.
Just as he was about to close his eyes and try and relax a voice was calling out to him.


He snapped his head up at once, regretting it immediately when his skull throbbed, squinting his eyes towards the door he found his dad standing there with his arms crossed.

This was the answer for all the giggling early?. Jeez this was a married man, who had a beautiful wife, four kids and another on the way. Chill out highschool girls.

"Dad?." He asked In surprise, ignoring the gasps that came from around him.

"Your mother said that you weren't feeling good this morning." Itachi said walking into the classroom with the grace of a Prince.
"And judging by that wince I saw earlier I'm inclined to agree with her." He laughed softly, placing a palm on Kellin's forehand to feel the hot skin before sliding his hand through his son's pink hair.

"Yea, but I thought I would have made through the day." He mumbled, leaning into his fathers touch.
"Now, I'm not so sure."

Itachi shook his head, reaching down to pluck Kellin's bag off the hook. He smoothly placed all his sons books and papers neatly into the bag before shouldering it with one strap.
"Come on, your mom said to bring you to her if you've gotten worse."

Kellin groaned, raising up from his seat not aware of how all his joints ached, his calves were killing him.
"I'm gonna get sick."

"You're already sick." Itachi reminded him, placing a hand at the small of his back to guide him out of the classroom.

"Wait, dad I'm allowed to leave school?." He asked groggily, feet dragging.
His father laughed again and Kellin liked the sound of his dad's laughter.

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