Chapter Twenty One

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Kellin leaned back against the wall he was sitting against on the far end of the library building, eyes closed and headphones secured to his ears. It was no surprise that he had gotten used to the solitude the past few weeks.

His head bobbed to the beat of Harlem by New Politics, and was humming under his breath.
He had really thought he would be alone for a while but that wasn't the case when he felt a body drop onto the ground besides him and a small head landed on his bicep.

Kellin slowly blinked his eyes open, pulling out one ear bud to look down at his visitor. Imagine his surprise when he saw it was Teegan leaning against his shoulder, a book already out and reading, looking like he belonged there.

What. The. Fudge?.

"Haah?." He muttered rubbing his eyes.
"What are you doing here?."

"Don't you want me here?." The small boy asked, turning a page of his book nonchalantly.

Kellin sighed, this was also another thing that's been happening, it's been a week since Alex and Teegan said that they would make it up to him, but Kellin just brushed it off thinking it was only just talk, no action. That was what he had thought. Now imagine to his great amusement that whenever he's In a isolated area one of them always finds him.

Its like they got a tracker on him or something.
Which annoyed him even more. What was he now, a dog?.


"Why is it whenever I'm by myself one of you twats always finds me?." He narrowed his eyes at the small boy currently using his shoulder as a pillow.

Teegan bit his lip to keep In a smile when Kellin started grumbling about not being a dog who needs tracking down. He and Alex was very serious when they said they were gonna make it up to Kellin. The guy In question himself may not have believed them but what they said was true.

"So I can't have time with the other half of my favorite twins?."

"We are the only set of twins you've meet." Kellin deadpanned, thumbs scrolling through his song selection. The soothing sound of Galileo Galilei Aoi Shiroi blasted through his headset, he leaned back and closed his eyes again.

"True," He heard Teegan say, " Also happen to be the most gorgeous. " He snorted at the line and jostled Teegan's head on his shoulder a bit.

"Save the sweet talk for the idiot half of the twins," He grumbled, nose turned upwards.
"I'm the genius half of the team."

Teegan bursts into laughter, his small body shaking against Kellin's shoulder.

Kellin just shook his head and sighed, closing his eyes and leaning back against the wall once more, one ear listening to his music and the next hearing Teegan's giggles.

At lunch, Kellin found himself in the company of his little sister, both ditching Alex and Teegan for some sibling time.
Kellin was on his way to forgiving his twin, he loved Alex, he was his idiotic, pain in the ass other half and Kellin knew that he couldn't live without his brother. But while he was starting to forgiving Alex, he didn't want to be around him and Teegan making goo-goo eyes at each other, that'll just rub salt on the already slightly closed wounds.

"Uncle Naru!." Seira's voice broke him out of his musing to look up, and indeed there walking towards them was his blonde haired, whiskered uncle.

"Hey kiddo!." Naruto Said catching Seira as she all but threw herself at him, making him catch her mid lunge and spin her around.
"Have you been good."

"Yup!." Seira grinned.
"Very good, Kellin is going to buy me ice cream later."

Naruto looked up at the guy in question and Kellin smiled.
"Hey uncle Naruto.... Sure whatever she wants." He shrugged, biting into his sandwich.
"So, whatcha doing here?."

"Ah, Nii-Chan asked me to drop of a package for Akashi, so here I am." He grinned.
"Wouldn't happen to know where they are, do you?."

Seira laughed, grabbing both their hands and pulled them in the direction of the doors before Kellin had time to even answer.
"This way, let's go!."

They both walked leisurely as she lead them. Naruto wrapped an arm around Kellin's shoulder and pulled him into his side.
"How are you feeling kiddo?." He asked softly.

Kellin smiled and shrugged slightly.
"I'm good, I had my stitches taken out a week ago and my wounds been healing good, so I'm good for now."

"And what about the situation with you and you're brother?." Naruto ruffled his hair, keeping a eye on Seira as she walked ahead of them.

"Its...getting there I guess... I mean I'm sure mom told you about the screaming match we had in the kitchen that day.. He promised to make it up to me.. And Teegan too... Now its like whenever I'm alone they appear out of literally nowhere and bug the hell out of me!." He huffed.

Naruto snickered, patting Kellin's back with a fond smile.
"Your brother is gonna try hard to gain your trust and forgiveness, so I say see how it goes huh."

Kellin smiled and nodded.
"I was already planning on doing that actually."
Naruto laughed.

"Akashi! Uncle Naru is here to see you!." They both looked up to see Seira bounding towards the normal gangs table and tugging the fiery head boy out of his seat. Kellin snickered when his cousin nearly tripped over his feet to get up. Just like Seira, Akashi absolutely adores Uncle Naruto.

"Uncle Naru!." And just like Seira the teenager throws himself at his uncle and hugs him tightly.

Kellin shook his head with a smile at the scene, hands buried in his pants pockets as he stood there. He jumped however when an arm was sneaking around his shoulder and whipped his head to the side, coming face to face with equally pink hair and eyes.


"Alex." Kellin sighed, heart beat slowing down.
"Trying to kill me at such a young age."

At the word kill, Alex flinched and his hand dropped to Kellin's middle, palm lightly pressing aside the wound there.

Realizing what he said, Kellin hurried to reassure his brother.
"I didn't mean like that, its fine."

Alex shook his head, face burying against the side of Kellin's neck.
"Don't.. Joke about it like that..please." Kellin was surprise to hear Alex say that and was even more shocked to feel hot liquid running down the side of his throat.

"Sorry." He said softly raising a taped up hand to run it through Alex's thick pink hair.
"I'll try not to." He hesitated for a second before pressing a soft kiss against his crying brother's temple.
"Don't cry Alex, I'm fine and alive."

Alex huffed out a laugh, wiping away his tears and squeezing Kellin's side gently before he let him go.
"Wanna go grab burgers later."

"Sorry, Seira has first order, she wants ice cream." He said with a smirk, watching as Alex pouted childishly. He snorted when Alex immediately turned to their younger sister and started begging for her to give him up for this evening, but Seira wasn't budging, she was determined to get that ice cream with Kellin no matter what, not even her other older brother.

"Its actually kinda funny." Kellin looked down to Teegan standing by his side, sliding his arm through Kellin's and leaning his head on his bicep.

Kellin raised a eyebrow, wondering if this was a habit Teegan was picking up.

"What is?."

"Alex on his knees begging to a kid."

Kellin snorted, once again hesitating a second, something that wasn't missed by Teegan, before he reached down and messing up Teegan's hair.


Kellin just smirked.

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