Chapter Fourty Nine.

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When Ryou arrived at the area he knew his cousins would be, he was kinda surprised to see Akashi, Fuyu, Alex and Teegan sitting at a different table, And the rest at a different table.

What..the hell? Did they fight or something?. Without letting him in?.


Akashi snapped his head up to him, eyes bright with mirth, with an amused sigh he motioned them both over there.

"What's going on?." He asked as they approached the table.
Akashi scoffed with a laugh while Alex looked up at him with a pout.

"Ryouuuuu... Kellin doesn't want me anymore." He whined, sending a longing look in the direction of his brother, said twin deliberately moved some hair from around his right ear, making a grand show of sticking in his headphones for his brother to see.

Alex whined again.

"Dont mind him." Teegan said, smiling up at him.
"They all moved away because... what was it again?." He asked, nudging Alex in the side.

"Couples." His boyfriend said sulking.

"Ah yes, they said that how being around us made them feel single."

Akashi watched as Ryou made the most ridiculous looking face at that, his lips twitched, trying not to laugh and his left eyebrow rose so high that it almost disappeared into his hairline.


"Yes." Akashi answered, amused. He hand one arms draped over the back of Fuyu's chair. He shot a look at their cousins, who were ignoring them quite well, then looked back at Ryou.
"Even Krist and Yuko abandoned us."

At the mention of his younger siblings, Ryou twisted his head to see said siblings grinning away at something Yuuichi was saying. He shook his head with a sigh.

"Anyways, Akashi, Teegan this is Kimiko, my girlfriend. " He said, gently tugging said girl forward, who had a small smile playing on her lips from listening to the hilarity of their conversation.

"Hello." Kimiko said, smiling brightly at Fuyu.
"Hello again, Fuyu-chan."

"Kimiko-chan, nice to see you made it, meet the in laws already?." The older girl couldnt help but tease.
They all watched as she turned red and Ryou's snickering were not helping.

"Fuyu-chan, no need to tease the girl so much already." Teegan said, he sent Kimiko a small quirk of his lips.
"I'm Teegan, Alex's boyfriend its nice to finally meet you Kimiko. "

Said girl cleared her throat and willed her blush to cool down as she took a seat.
"Well, I could say the same for you, with the amount of swooning Alex was doing in the car."

Teegan laughed, letting Alex nuzzle against his neck like it was a normal thing to do. He ran his fingers through hot pink hair with a smile.
"Believe me I know how much swooning he does."

"And the amount of whining he does to make up for that." Akashi said, leaning over Fuyu to ruffle his cousin's hair.

He turned back to face her and Kimiko blinked at the Purple color of his eyes, there was a thin line of teal around his irises if she looked closely. His hair was was an insane bright shade of Orange.

"I'm Akashi. And let me tell you, Ryou's no different. " Said guy protested yet Akashi ignored him
"He swoons over you the same way. I've heard enough." He sent his cousin a dry look.

Alex snickered from his position against Teegan's neck.
"That's an Understatement, Kashi." He lifted his head up to shoot Ryou a smirk.
"He does it more than I do."

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