Chapter six

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Tenten huffed out a frustrated sigh as she took in her surroundings. Sakura mirrored her sigh from her right.
Temari groaning as she twisted her neck.

They were all strapped to heavy metal chairs, tied up with both chains and leather straps. The room they were in was Air conditioned, lights above their heads, a table to the side with what looked like guns and knives scattered on it, a mirror behind them so they were placed facing the door.

"Why does this always happen to us?." Sakura sighed.
"The kids must be freaking out right now."

"So this is what it feels like to be captured." Temari mused, causing both Tenten and Sakura to give her flat looks.
"What?. Its my first time give me a break."

"So, who do you suppose we pissed off this time?." Tenten asked, kicking her feet forward like a child.
"Cause that's just about reason enough for anyone to kidnap us."

Sakura had to agree with her on that one.
"Hate to break it to ya, but I got no idea this time."

The three ladies sighed heavy, heads snapping up as the door in front of them opened.

Sakura groaned as she saw who it was, and proceeded to thump her head backwards, the universe was messing with her, wasn't it?.

"Nanasi." Temari snarled.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?." Glaring at the business man in a suit standing in front of them.

Haki Nanasi, was a wealthy business man, who wanted to buy over their business and demand that Sakura marry him, a pompous asshole.

Behind him was his buddies who have taken quite the liking to Temari and Tenten, which was not cool.

"Ah, ladies," Haki smiled stepping forward,
"I see you're awake."

"No shit Sherlock, did you just figure that out, where's old Johnny boy at then?." Sakura couldn't help but drawl, had both her sister fighting to hold back their sniggers.

The two behind, Sanji and Diachi were starting to look a bit... Angry..
But for the love of God, these ladies really don't know when it's time to zip their mouths.

She should have seen it coming really, Nanasi stepped forward suddenly and backhanded her across the face, Sakura's neck snapped to the side as she bit the inside of her cheek in reflex.

"Watch your tone with me my sweet, you won't like the consequences." He said with a smile, fixing his jacket as if he didn't just put his hand on a woman.

Sakura scoffed, spitting blood to the side of her, shooting a look to both Temari and Tenten, who were struggling against their seats.
"I can talk however way I want douchebag, you don't own me."

One of the guys, Sanji chuckled at her, coming forward to grip Tenten's jaw.
"Oh, but what we want we always get."

Tenten grunted, ripping her face away from him and kicking her foot out, connecting straight to his crotch, watching as he gave a pain filled gasp and huffed when Temari kicked him away from her, which somehow ended with them getting both slapped.

Nanasi and Daichi helped the whimpering man up, glaring at the ladies.
"Ah, so you have fight left." He hummed.
"Wont have much left when we're finished."

That was all that was said before the three disappeared, slamming the door shut behind them.

"We really need to get the fuck out of here," Sakura grunted, spitting out more blood, she could feel her cheek throbbing
"Nanasi is mine, no body will be found when I'm done."

"Deal, now let's get out of here."

Alex paced back and fort, hands running through his pink hair, tugging and swearing.

Kellin watched him for the hundredth time, before he reached out and pulled his brother to his side, wrapping his arms around Alex's shoulder and pressed a kiss to his temple.

Akashi, soon joined the hugged, followed by Ryou and Krist.

"Do you think something happened to them?." Krist whispered, fingers curling into the fabric of his older brothers shirt.
"I want mom back."

"I don't know." Alex sighed.
"Dad said that mom and both aunty Tenten and Temari were not answering their phones."

They all looked up from their group hug to see uncle Sasori there, with Sai and Kiba besides him, all with a sleeping girl in there arms.

"Come kids, time for dinner, before anything else." Sasori said, shifting a sleeping Mila in his arms, holding put one hand for Akashi to grasp, pulling him up.

"Uncle Sasori," Kellin mumbled as his uncle pulled him up also.
"Is mom going be okay?."

Sasori heart clenched a bit at that, it was still strange that his little princesses was already grown up, married and had kids of her own, the memories of their teenage years still haunt them, but right now, he could see his beautiful baby sister in her children.

"Shhh." He said pressing a kiss to both twins foreheads.
"Your mother will be fine."

"Sasori is right,"Itachi appeared from the doorway, arms opened.
" come here, loves." His sons rushed forward as Deidara appeared by his side, taking Krist and Ryou in his arms also.

Akashi was already in his fathers arms, Pein humming slightly as he ran his fingers through both his son and daughters hair.

"Your mothers are strong boys, strongest set of woman we have ever seen and damn luckily to marry." Deidara spoke.
"They will be with us in no time, we know our wives, they'll be kicking whoever's ass before coming back to us.."

He hugged Ryou and Krist to him pressing his lips to their temples, closing his eyes and focused on calming his sons down, watching as Kiba held his daughter in his arms.

Sakura grinned triumphantly as the chains that held her hands together behind her back snapped, she quickly shook them off and ripped apart the leathers that were wrapped around her torso.

She jumped up, quickly grabbing both sets of chains on the back of Temari and Tenten's chairs, careful of their hands and ripped them off the chairs, quickly shredding the leather.

"Alright, we find a way out of here,
Fast." She muttered, rushing towards the door and aggressively ripping it off it hinges.

They stepped out the room, looking around to see that they were inside some building, all high tech and stuff.

"Well, its an upgrade from last time." Tenten comments, hands summoning her Katanas.

They took a step more and Sakura suddenly cried out as a knife was embedded In her shoulder, she twisted around and gasped as she felt the skin from the scar on her back stretch and she was certain that it was bleeding once again.

"Fuck." She cursed, looking up as both Tenten and Temari gasped, to see arrows sticking out their sides.
Temari may get some scars, but both she and Tenten just reopened their old wounds and were gaining new ones.

She flexed her shoulder, grabbed the discarded door and used it as a shield as the girls pulled out the arrows with laboured breaths.

"So much forgetting out of here in one piece." Tenten grumbled, hands quickly tearing both her and Temari's sweaters in pieces and wrapping them around her wounds before attending to Temari's.

"Oh, we're getting out of here alright, just it won't be us that gonna be in pieces." Sakura said, wincing as Tenten raised her shirt up to press the cloth to her back and wrap one around her shoulder.

"I like the sound of that." Temari said as the sound of footsteps came from in front of them, looking up to see armed men coming towards them.

Sakura huffed, taking the knife that was in her shoulder not to long ago, and stepped to the side, flinging it straight at the men and smirked as it struck one bullseye in the chest, he fell with a gasp.

"Bring it on assholes!." Tenten shouted.
" we are gonna end every last one of you."

And with three wicked grins, the fight begun.

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