Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Sakura blinked awake as soon as the sunlight that came through the blinds of their bedroom. Groggily she twisted her head to the side, the mop of raven black hair greeting her vision. A glance at the clock on the night side table told her it was 9:44 in the morning, Hmm, a acceptable time to wake up on a Saturday morning.

The sound of hushed laughter and the clattering of dishes downstairs made it to her ears, Sakura just had to smile.

"Seems that they're up and about already." Itachi's sleep filled voice filled her ear and she turned her head just in time to see him roll over to her side, placing a hand gently on her swollen stomach.

"I can hear that.." She laughed, yawning afterwards, twisting her body carefully to snuggle into his bare chest.

It was nice, to be able to sleep in on a Saturday, not having to get up early to make breakfast or do anything at all. Her kids were responsible adults, they could take care of each other.

"We have some pretty great kids." Itachi signed, like he read her mind before answering.
"And another on the way."

Sakura scoffed, smacking his bicep in response.

"Oh hush."

A few minutes passed in peaceful silence, and Sakura didn't even knew she closed her eyes until the bedroom door opened and her eyelids snapped opened to see her you best daughter standing there, a grin on her face before she suddenly sprinted forward, and threw herself at Itachi's back.


Itachi grunted in surprise, while Sakura covered her mouth and rolled to the other side to smother her laugh.
She felt small hands pat her back in greeting before there was a scuffle where her husband was gentle tangling their daughter up in the blankets.

There was a sigh at the door, this time it was Kellin standing there with his arms crossed and a highly amused expression on his face.

"Mila." He huffed out a laugh at her squirming form.
"Didn't I tell you not to trouble mom and dad yet? Now look where you are."

"Yes.." Itachi said, a smile playing on his lips.
"A rather rolled up situation."

"Oh my gosh dad, no." Kellin whined, he leaned against the doorframe to bury his face into his hands, despite the terrible joke his shoulders were shaking with laughter.

"What? I think it was quite funny." He protested, unwrapping his daughter and allowing her to throw her arms around him In a hug.

"Itachi, love, you're horrible at jokes." His wife said from besides him, she was laying on her side now, watching them with a fond smile on her face.
"Don't even try."


Kellin cleared his throat as he straighted himself up, his eyes shining with mirth.
"Soooo.." He grinned.
"You guys gonna get up or what?, breakfast is gonna get cold you know."

Sakura shook her head, carefully lifting herself up from the bed to walk over to the dresser, grabbing a change of clothes before heading into the bathroom.

"Sure love, help your father out would you?." She asked, closing the bathroom door right after.
Kellin huffed out a laugh, holding his arms to his dad.

"Alright, give me the wiggly monster, dad."

Itachi grunted, lifting Mila up and depositing her into her brothers arms, the younger squealing as Kellin immediately started tickling her.
He pressed a kiss to his son's head and patted Mila on the cheeks.

"Alright, give your mom and I a few minutes and we'll be down soon." He murmured. Kellin gave him a salute and began towing his sister out, closing the door gently behind him.

Itachi sighed. His kids were such a handful in the morning.

"So what's your first course of action gonna be?." Sakura asked, taking a bite of her omurice, it was delicious by the way.
"You guys thought of anything yet?."

"Well." Alex began, chewing his breakfast thoughtfully
"Teegan did say that the person he saw was spying on Kellin."
He shot a glance at his brother, who was to busy stuffing his face to take part in the conversation as yet.
"So I guess we're gonna do so hunting around."

"I've been thinking." Kellin muttered, swallowing what was in his mouth before he spoke.
"Dad?. The guy who you didn't make a deal with.. Mr... Wickmore I think it was, there's a high possibility it could be him, I mean I did threw the guy into a wall."

"Oh shit." Alex smacked his hand to his forehead lightly.
"Why didn't I remember that?."

"Because you're an idiot?." Seira asked innocently from across the table, Mila giggling beside her.

"Seira!." Alex whined, poking his toe at her feet under the table, she playfully ignored him and continued eating her food.

"It is indeed a possibility, Kellin." Itachi spoke, his brows slightly knitted.
"The man was one of the vindictive kinds, hates to lose, and would do anything to make himself number one."

"Pfft. What and idiot." Seira scoffed.
"He sounds like a asshole."

"Language honey." Sakura reprimanded.
"And, yes he is one."

"Sorry momma." Seira apologized.
"So can I get to punch him too?."
Her eyes were bright with excitement and Sakura couldn't help the laugh that bubbled out of her throat at that.

"You kids," she sighed.
"I do hope that you don't corrupt your sibling like this when they get here."

In response, her four amazing, wonderful children, beamed at her so brightly that it made her laugh even more harder, and Sakura has no doubt that they're gonna do exactly what she hope  they don't do.

"So, let me get this straight." Ryou said, his fingers stapled together and placed on Kellin's desk.
"You think it might be the guy who insulted aunt Sakura, who you ended throwing Into a wall that's coming after you?."

Kellin sighed loudly from where he was laying on his bed.
"Yes, why not? I mean look at it this way, the only reason he got dumped out of a business contract was because he insulted the boss's wife and because the boss's son threw him into a wall."

"Ah, I get what you're saying." Akashi said, pausing the show he was watching.
"Go after the soul reason he was denied, isn't that right?."

"Bingo." Kellin said with a grin.

"You're awful cheerful now that you know who it is." Yuuichi commented from next to Akashi.

"Are you kidding me," Kellin laughed
"I been wanting to take another swing at that bastard, no one says that about my mom, especially not some rich asshole like him."

Alex sighed from besides him, reaching over to ruffle Kellin's hair, poking at Kellin's pouting cheeks.
"I, myself wanna get a hit in." He said.
"The man was insufferable, speaking like woman should be treated as slaves instead of equals. He pisses me off."

The room was silent for a few seconds before Sachi huffed out loud, throwing his arms up in the air.
"I don't know about you guys, but I'm in." He said seriously.
"My dad heard what happened and let me tell you, if the stories of their siblings complexes were bad, his protectiveness over aunt Sakura has grown instead of fading, I could imagine for uncle Sai."

"He'll be extremely pissed." Krist said, fiddling around on his phone
"Uncle Sai may look calm, but he's a beast when ticked off."
That was the truest statement he has ever made.

"Well, just saying.. If it really is Mr Wickmore, let's teach him a lesson on why you don't mess with the kids of The Akatsuki.'

The matching expressions on every one's face was downright gleeful.

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