Chapter nine

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"Hey Uchiha."

All four kids turned to see a rather tall kid, he was muscular and had a nasty sneer on his face and a bunch guys behind him.

Alex sighed, gently pushing Seira and Mila behind him and Kellin.
Things were about to get ugly and he didn't want them anywhere near the front lines. Even though Seira could fight, Alex and Kellin were gonna freak if she even gets a hair out of place.

"Which one?." Yuuichi asked In a drawl, as he and Miya came to a stop besides their cousins.
"You gotta be more specific man."

Big, tall and dumb looked confused for a minute, shaking his head and glaring at the kids in front of him, all sporting innocent expressions on their faces.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?."

"Well," Seira snorted,
"Seeing how we are all Uchiha's here, which one of us are you talking about Bud."

Kellin turned his head to the side to cover up his laugh with a slightly cough. His little sister and her mouth he tells you, will get her in serious trouble when they're not around. And their aunt Hana is no help at all.

"We talking about those two beanstalks" another guy yelled from behind the big guy, and the twins immediately blinked as they recognized who the idiot was.

"Well would you look at that." Alex asked, mock surprise.
"Its the dumbass who thought he could take us last time."

Kellin suddenly brighten, feeling Mila cultch the back of his shirt tightly had a feral grin gracing his lips. He was going to kick these guys asses.

"We heard that you weren't In school for four days, what's up with that huh?." Giant asked.

Kellin and Alex stiffen, eyes blazing as they both glared at the smirking assholes
" not that it's any of your business, but we went on a trip, if you must know."
Well not exactly a lie, they did went on a trip, to get their moms back.

"Aww how sweet." He sneered,
"Wanted to see the countryside."

"So sorry." Alex said with a sweet smile.
"We would have invited you along but it had a no dumbass rule where we were going."

They all grinned at that and watched as the boys grow red with embarrassment and anger, a lovely combination that leaves one's face extremely red and looked about ready to pop.

Kellin's eyes suddenly went bright and his lips stretched in a wide grin, the big bully looked at him as if he had grown two heads.

"What are you grinning for you as-."

A swift clearing of a throat had him stopping mid sentence, all of them whirling around to see Itachi and Sakura standing there, Sasori of to the side, Hands smoothing Suzuki's hair down, a smirk on his face.

"What were you about to tell my kids punk?." Sakura took a threatening step forward watching in satisfaction as the boys faces all paled as the words registered in their brains.

"W-w-we."  Giant tried to talk and Alex snickered, it was quite a funny sight actually, such a tall kid stuttering and sweating at the glare of a woman a lot shorter than him, Alex's mom.

"No excuses, if I so much as hear you little maggots speak to my kids again, I'm going to kill you, and trust me, the police are on my side, they will help gladly dispose of the bodies, got it?." She said, arms crossed

The boys were all white as paper, literally shaking in their shoes, jerkily nodding their heads, looking like a bunch of bubble heads.

"I said got it?!." She barked.

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