Chapter Nineteen.

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"Hey Tee."

Said boy whipped his head around from where he was just about to punch the number of his drink on the machine, to see his boyfriend walking towards him, bag over his left shoulder while the other was stuffed in his pocket. In other words, he looked hot.

"Alex." He smiled, tilting his head up when Alex bent down to press a kiss to his slightly parted lips.
"What's wrong?."

His pink haired boyfriend sighed, ruffling a hand through said hair. Teegan could understand why no one made fun of Alex for his pink hair, the guy was literally like a giant (from his perspective) and probably would beat the crap out of anyone who dared mess with him.
"Have you seen Kellin?."

Ah, the missing piece of the duo. Kellin had taken it upon himself to give them alone time, but he's giving them so much alone time that Alex hasn't seen his brother in two weeks and Teegan felt the same. Its like he couldn't be around them, Teegan knew that it wasn't the case but he genuinely missed the other twin.

"No, I'm not sure I even saw him today." He said softly, looking up at Alex just In time to see the older boy blink as if his eyes were burning and Teegan had no doubt that they were.
"I can help you look though."

Alex shook his head, pressing a kiss to Teegan's forehead pulling back with a small smile.
"Its fine, I'll find him."

Teegan watched him go, Alex's shoulders were slumped and dejectedness practically radiated off him.

Kellin wasn't one to blame though, Teegan knew that both Alex and him brought this amongst themselves.

Kellin, groaned as the doctor checked his stitches, his wounds were taking a bit longer to heal than he would have liked. He was miserable, that much he knew. It felt as if his whole life had flipped upside down and nothing worked when he tried to make it right.

He had promised himself to not come between Alex or Teegan, his brother and the chibi deserved each other and he'll be damned if he broke that bond.  Kellin took it upon himself to bracket his time, Teegan and Alex would be happier if he wasn't around to cause any drama. Or that was what he kept telling himself.

"Okay Mister Akasuna-Uchiha." The man in the lab coat said pulling off his gloves and discarding them before facing him and his mom once more.
"It looks like you're healing a bit slowly, there's nothing to worry however it will heal greatly."

Kellin beamed, so much that his cheeks hurts.
"Thanks Doc." He said, leaning back against the pillow with a sigh.
"Can we go home now mom?."

Sakura shook her head, pressing a kiss to his forehead and stood.
"Sure, " she huffed at his small cheer and glanced at the smiling doctor.
"Thanks doctor, we'll visit again."

The man merely nodded as they both walked out the room, Kellin trying not to scratch the itch around his wound and his mom trying not to laugh at his squirming. Once in the car he finally scratched the skin around the area with a relieved sigh.

Sakura laughed, pulling out of the driveway and turning down the streets towards their home.
"So?." She began.
"Wanna tell me what's going on with you and your brother?."

Kellin sucked in a breath before letting it go, eyes stuck on the road and trees as they zoomed past.
"I just feel like I'm intruding, you know? Like every time I'm around them it's like I'm a third wheel kinda feeling so I just started giving him the time he wanted with Teegan without me Interrupting."

"Sweetheart, are you sure?." She asked, worry clear on her face.
"I'm sure your brother would have time for you."

"That's it mom." He shrugged.
"I don't want him to choose between spending time with me over Teegan, I mean they are dating so.." He took a deep breath, letting it out as his eyes burned.
"I don't wanna come between them, if it makes them happier to have each to themselves, then my time with him is a sacrifice I'll take."

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