Training Ground Beta

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I look for my name to see I got placed within the top five. I look for Deku's name and become scared seeing him dead last. I look at him to see he's beyond sad.

Aizawa: "I was lying, no one's going home."

My left eye twitches in anger as I grit my teeth.

Aizawa: "That was just a rational deception to make sure you gave it your all in the tests."

Kai: "I'll kill you!!!"

Aizawa: "We're done for the day. Pick up a syllabus in the classroom. Read it over before tomorrow morning."

He nonchalantly walks away while I eye him with anger. He had some nerve doing something like that. I was worried I was gonna have to take on a pro hero. The next day I try my best to stay awake during the class. Right when I'm about to drift off All Might bursts into the classroom dramatically. 

All Might: "Good morning students."

They all gush over him which he just eats up.

All Might: "Welcome to the most important class at UA high. Think of it as heroing 101. Here you will learn the basics of being a pro and what it means to fight in the name of good. Let's get into it!!! Today's lesson will pull no punches. But one of the keys to being a hero is looking good."

He points to the wall where numbered boxes come out.

All Might: "These were designed on your quirk registration forms and requests you sent in before school started. Get yourselves suited up and meet me at training ground Beta."

I quickly find myself at the location waiting on the other students. They arrive with Deku walking up to me.

Deku: "Where's your costume Kai?"

Kai: "Huh?" *points at clothes* "This is my costume."

Deku: "Those are just street clothes."

Kai: "That's the point. A hero can be anyone. From your neighbor to the police officer that patrols your neighborhood. Heroes should be a symbol not a person. Because it's easy for anybody to be a hero, all you gotta do is just do what's right."

His eyes twinkle when All Might somersaults into view, damn I hate when he does that.

All Might: "Take this to heart, you're all now heroes in training. Now, shall we get started?"

They nod.

All Might: "It's time for combat training. Most of the villain fights you see on the news take place outside. However statistically most run ins take place indoors. True villains like to stay in the shadows. For this training exercise you'll be split into teams of good guys and bad guys and fight two on two indoor battles. But remember, you can't just punch a robot this time. You're dealing with actual people now."

He pulls out a clear script, has he not done this before?

All Might: "The situation is this. The villains have hidden a nuclear device somewhere in the hideout. The heroes must try to foil their plan. To do that the good guys have to either capture the evil doers or recover the weapon. Like wise the bad guys succeed if they protect the payload or capture the heroes. Time's limited so we'll choose times by drawing lots. Let's draw!!!"

He reaches in and I find myself on a team with a guy I'm gonna call Icy Hot.

All Might: "I declare the first teams to fight will be... these guys!!! Team B will be heroes while team I will be villains. Everyone else, head to the monitoring room to watch."

Deku: "Good luck Kai."

I give him a thumbs up and head to the proper location. 

All Might: "Bad guys, go on and get set up. In five minutes the good guys will be let loose and the battle will start."

Icy hot: "You can sit this one out, I've got this covered."

Kai: "Not a chance Icy Hot. We're a team."

Todoroki: "My name's Todoroki."

Kai: "Either way, we're both going in. You can go after the bomb if that makes you feel better."

Todoroki: "I'll accept that, just don't get in my way."

Kai: "I won't, only if you promise to not end things too quickly."

He hmphs then faces the building. After stretching we hear All Might.

All Might: "Let the fight, begin!!!!"

A buzzer goes off. We both then begin making our way into the building to either capture the villains or recover the bomb.

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