Field Gamma

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I bring down my fist which All Might catches. He laughs before once again trying to smack me into the ground. I twist my body and kick the back of his neck. He partially goes down but he grabs my ankle. I'm slammed onto the ground twice before being launched into the air. As I make my descent I boost myself further and slam my balled up fists on All Might. The impact flings dust everywhere but he stands strong. He attempts to grab me but I flip away from him

All Might: "You certainly have improved, but what'd you say you kick it up a notch?"

I smile and channel my anger into my quirk. My body fully boosts and I run to All Might in a flash. I go to punch his ribs but he manages to catch my arm. I dive between his legs forcing him into a front flip.

He sticks it and brings his mighty fist down on me. I roll to the side and punch his knee. His goes down and I uppercut him onto his back. I jump to land on him but he springs to his feet and decks me in my ribs.

I barely catch his fist and kick his jaw. He looks at me and backhands me away from him. I slide to a stop then propel myself to him. I reel back my fist while he winds up a Texas Smash. When we get within arms reach of each other we're stopped by Nezu and Aizawa. Nezu punches All Might to normal while I'm restrained by Aizawa's scarf.

Nezu: "That's enough you two, anymore and my school would've been destroyed."

Kai: "Guess we kinda got carried away."

All Might: "Why'd I get punched while he got restrained?"

I laugh when he gets to his feet. 

All Might: "That was stellar Kai. You've come a long way."

Nezu: "But you're training isn't over yet. We've still got three more days, there's still a lot more you can do to improve."

And before I knew it, those three days came to an end. I managed to get good control over my power and even picked up a new skill, can't wait to show Deku. Speaking of, I wonder how he's doing. After a quick shower I head off to class.

Kai: "Hello everyone."

I walk to my seat and hear something interesting. 

Sero: "Oh yeah, they fought the hero killer."

Kai: "What?"

Denki: "Yeah, it was all over the news. Deku, Todoroki and Iida fought off a dangerous villain."

Kai: "How much did I miss?"

Deku: "I'll tell you everything later. But you, how'd you fair?"

Kai: "I made some major improvements to quirk. I'll show you the next chance we get."

I now find myself away from the school with All Might.

All Might: "I hope you're ready to return to our lessons. Today it's hero basic training. Feels like I haven't seen you in awhile welcome back. Now then, listen carefully for what's in store. We're gonna be conducting a little race. Take everything you've learned in your internship and apply it to this rescue training."

Iida: "If it's rescue training then shouldn't we be at the USJ instead?"

All Might: "That facility specializes in disasters. As I said earlier this is a race. So, prepare. You're about to step into field Gamma. Inside is an area filled with factories that form a labyrinth. So good luck finding your way around. You'll be competing in groups of five. Each person starts from a different location on the outskirts of the model city. I'll send a distress signal and you'll do what you must to rescue me. Whoever finds me first wins. But try to keep  the property damage to a bare minimum please."

Bakugo: "Why're you pointing at me?"

All Might: "Alright, first group get to your places."

Deku heads inside and when the buzzer goes off he powers up. He then jumps but instead of breaking his legs they remain unbroken. 

Kai: "Looks like he really improved."

I smile at his progress when his foot slips and he faceplants onto a roof.

Kai: "Well, something's never change."

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