The End

662 18 9

3rd POV

Kai charges up his fist and slugs Shigaraki in the face with the impact knocking him out cold. Kai turns to the Nomu who become scared. This gives the students the moment to kill the Nomu holding them.

Deku: "You did it!!!!"

Kai smiles before before exhaling loudly and falling on his back.

Deku: "Kai!"

Everyone surrounds him with Shoji placing an ear on Kai's chest.

Shoji: "His heart's not beating."

Denki: "Stand back."

Denki activates his quirk and sends lightning into Kai's body. 

Shoji: "No good, again."

Denki shocks him again.

Shoji: "Still nothing."

As Denki delivers another shock everyone becomes worried with some beginning to cry knowing what this means.

Denki: "Come on Kai, wake up!"

He delivers a massive shock and pants as the toll begins to hit him. Shoji places his ear on Kai's chest. His eyes widen as he hangs his head.

Shoji: "He's gone."

Everyone begins crying with Deku trying to deny it.

Deku: "No, he's gonna make it. Shock him again."

Uraraka: "Deku..."

Deku: "Jus t shock him again! He's gonna live, he will!"

Aizawa: "I'm sorry kid..."

Deku: "Wake up Kai!!!!"

Deku repeatedly pumps Kai's chest desperately trying to bring his brother back. He's eventually pulled away and restrained by Aizawa's scarf.

Aizawa: "It' no use, he's gone."

Deku: "No, he can't be gone!!! I refuse to believe it!!!"

Deku begins crying as the reality of the situation finally sets in. Bakugo makes his way through the students while trying to maintain a stoic face.

Bakugo: "Listen up idiot, you've beaten the villain. Come back to us."

He slams his fist on Kai's chest as some tears begin to fall.

Bakugo: "You can't go dying now, not until I beat you."

His iron façade breaks and his true emotions show. Kirishima places his hand on Bakugo's shoulder who backs away.

Deku: "I'll call mom, she needs to know."

Aizawa: "No, I'll be the one to tell her. It's our fault anyways."

Joke: "Deku, we'll give you a moment with him."

She waves and everyone begins leaving.

Deku: "You did it big bro, you beat the villain. You'll surely go down in history now. Poor mom, she's gonna be an emotional wreck when she finds out. Pretty sure she's gonna cut herself off from the world." 

Tears cascade down his cheeks.

Deku: "I wish you could've lived. I wish you didn't have to die."

He rests his head on Kai's chest. He then yelps as something hits his forehead.

Kai: "You dumb idiot."

Deku: "Kai, you're alive!!!!!!"

Everyone: "What!?!?!"

Kai: "Course I am, you more than anybody know I'm not gonna go down that easily."

He ruffles Deku's hair and smiles.

Kai: "Now wipe your nose, you look disgusting."

He smiles and cries waterfalls.

Kai: "Geez, get ahold of yourself!!!"


All Might: "And so it's with a warm heart that I introduce you this years UA's graduates, class 4-A."

Everyone cheers and applauds as the graduating class takes a stand.

All Might: "Now then, while I have no doubt these kids will make outstanding heroes, there's always gonna idiots willing to test them. They may have completed school but they've still got a lot left to learn. Now let's hear from one of them that you all know and love. Kai Midoriya, care to say a few words?"


I get up and walk to the podium. I scan the crowd and see mom smiling.

Kai: "I'm not good at speeches so I'm gonna keep this short. We're excited to be the city's newest line of heroes. But while we think we're ready for everything there's always gonna be a moment that'll teach us something new. Our school life may be over but our life as a hero has only just begun. We'll constantly be taught new things and always better ourselves to be the best hero we can be. We're gonna learn what it means to go plus ultra!!!"

Students: "Plus Ultra!!!!"

Kai: "Now with that being said this is my last chance to act like a villain. Which is why I've prepared a presentation of every one of my classmate's most embarrassing moments."

Class: "What!?!?!?"

Kai: "Hit it principal Nezu!!!"

A giant projection is launched on the side of the school and what ensues is a roar of laughter from the crowd and sea of fury from my classmates.

Class: "You're dead Kai!!!!!"

Kai: "Plus ultra exit!!!!!"

I boost myself and bolt away. I look over my shoulder and see all of my classmates chasing after me while using their quirks to gain on me.

Kai: "I love this class!!!!"

*with teachers* 

All Might: "Were you in on this?"

Nezu: "Maybe."

Woman: "Look it's All Might!!"

He looks and drops his jaw at secret footage of him trying to flex like his old poster. After that is embarrassing phots and videos of every UA teacher and faculty member. The teachers and principal then join the chase after Kai who's just laughing his ass off.

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