All For One

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Deku: *in head* "We're going to save Kacchan, wish us luck."

Kai: *in head* "No."

Deku: "We'll be rescuing him from the rest of the league."

Kai: "No."

Deku: "Wish us luck."

Kai: "You can't go, you'll die."

Deku: "If you were awake you'd try to stop me, but don't worry."

Kai: "You'll die without my help."

Deku: "Thank you, thank you for always looking after me."

Kai: "You... you... idiot!!!!!"

My eyes shoot open as anger rises in me. I sit up and rip the wires off of me.

Kai: "Idiot, idiot idiot idiot."

I get out of bed and throw on my hoodie as the nurse rushes in.

Nurse: "You need to lay back down, you're still recovering!!!"

Kai: "Stupid stupid idiot."

I walk to the wall and punch a hole in it. I then hope down to the street and just walk while repeatedly muttering idiot. When I get a block away cop cars block my path.

Cop: "Stand down, you need to return to your bed."

Kai: "You're in my way."

I power my legs and jump onto a building. I hop across two buildings when a helicopter shines its light on me.

Helicopter: "Kai Midoriya, stand down now."

Kai: "Buzz off."

I crouch down and zoom well out of the helicopter's sight.

*with All Might* 

As Kenji goes over the plan my phone rings.

All Might: "Yes? Are you sure? Understood. Will do, bye."

Kenji: "Something wrong?"

All Might: "Kai Midoriya has escaped the hospital."

Kenji: "Crap, then it's only a matter of time before he catches onto our plan."

Edgeshot: "What do you suggest?"

Kenji: "We launch our plan now."

*with Kai*

I jump to a lower building when this great explosion goes off. I look and see smoke in the distance, must be where the league is. I boost my legs and quickly jump towards the explosion. When I get halfway there I see a massive blast level part of the city. I quicken my pace and once I arrive I see everyone on the ground.

I scan the area to see most of the pro heroes are down. A helicopter shines its light; I look there to see All Might in his scrawny form, his secret's out now. I look where All Might's looking and see something that makes my anger boil. There's a strange man holding Deku by his neck ready to end him.

3rd POV

Kai's new power explodes free as he zips to the stranger holding his brother.

All For One: "Say goodbye to your apprentice."

All Might: "Midoriya!!!!!"

Kai: "Die!!!!!"

Kai slams head first into All For One launching him backwards. Kai catches his brother as his eyes remain on All For One.

Deku: "Kai."

Without saying a word Kai tosses Deku back blocking All For One's fist. The impact drives him to his knee and cracks the ground. Meanwhile All Might catches Deku before running him to safety.

All Might: "Are you alright?"

Deku: "I'm fine, but listen. We need to evacuate everyone! They're in danger!!!"

All Might: "I know, All For One'll kill everyone."

Deku: "It's not All For One we should fear, it's Kai. He's lost beyond reason and holds no regard for the people in his way."

All Might: "Right. Everyone! Focus on evacuation, we need to clear the area!!!!"

Edgeshot: "What about the boy?"

Deku: "He'll be fine, just get everyone out of here!!!!"

All For One: "You're the boy Shigaraki fears. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Kai: "Die!!!!"

Kai slams his fist into All For One's stomach causing him to cough.

All For One: "You're strong, you might be of use to me."

All For One kicks Kai in his chest sending him crashing through buildings several meters away. All For One prepares a blast when Kai appears and knees him in the stomach. When he slouches forward Kai slams his fists into his back driving him into the ground.

Shigaraki: "Master!"

Kai snaps his head to him causing him to freeze dead in his tracks.

Kai: "Stay away bug."

A portal opens which starts teleporting Shigaraki.

All For One: "Leave Shigaraki."

Shigaraki: "I won't leave you!!!!"

All For One: "Carry on my work."

He fully teleports away and All For One smiles. Kai growls and grabs the back of his neck. He then slings him to the side crashing into the side of a building.

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