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Kai: "What do you mean?"

Aizawa: "Follow me."

I follow him out of the classroom and into the teacher's lounge.

Kai: "Should I even be in here?"

All Might: "It's alright, I allowed it."

The door opens revealing principal Nezu.

Nezu: "I hope I'm not too late."

Kai: "What's going on?"

Nezu: "Please, have a seat."

I take a seat on the couch with Nezu in front of me and Aizawa and All Might on my sides.

Nezu: "As you know internships have begun. And I'm sure you're still deciding which agency to take."

Kai: "Yeah."

Nezu: "Well I'm here to inform you that you won't be attending any of the agencies."

Kai: "Why?"

All Might: "After reviewing your footage at the USJ we decided that it'd be for the best that you intern for Aizawa, Nezu and I."

Aizawa: "You've got incredible power kid. But we think it'd be for the best that you train with a high level hero instead of low level ones."

Nezu: "I know this must seem like a lot. But with our help you'll be able to better control that power. And if we're lucky it'll evolve to where it won't end up crippling you after you use it."

The next day I find myself on the school's track field with All Might and Aizawa in front of me. I look slightly right and see principal Nezu sitting under an umbrella sipping from a glass with the school nurse.

All Might: "To begin to control your power we have to understand it. See if you can draw upon it."

I close my eyes and focus on the feeling I felt when I used it. Flashbacks of the villain flood my mind as I feel my anger rise. Eventually I lose all my senses and feel myself black out.

3rd POV

All Might transforms and delivers a right hook. Kai instantly dodges it and delivers his own right hook only to have it caught. All Might headbutts Kai sending him skidding across the dirt. His body rises as an annoyed expression adores his face. His reels back his fist when Aizawa erases his quirk.


I return to normal and exhale as pain hits my body. As I pant I hear Aizawa groan in pain.

Aizawa: "I just barely managed to subdue his quirk, we've got a long road ahead of us."

All Might: "Describe what you felt."

Kai: "Not much really. Just anger then blacking out."

All Might: *untransforms* "So it seems anger is the key to unlocking that power, it's a small start but a start nonetheless. Let's try it again, only this time try to dull down your anger before blacking out."

I nod and try again. At the end of the day there're serval giant holes scattered all around and Aizawa's eyes are completely bloodshot.

Aizawa: "My eyes are killing me, let's call it for today."

All Might: "Agreed, we're done Kai."

I sigh in relief and collapse on my back. That's when Nezu walks over to me.

Nezu: "You made such great progress today."

Kai: "Doesn't feel like it."

Nezu: "Your quirk is extraordinary, it'll take more than just a day to control."

I sigh and go clean myself off. The next morning I sit down on a mat with Nezu sitting in front of me indian style.

Nezu: "Your anger is a catalyst. When it runs wild your true potential shows. So let's work on channeling it. Close you eyes."

I do so and wait for further instructions.

Nezu: "Now, imagine that anger as a force around you. Feel it cover your being."

I focus and soon I feel this warm sensation surround my body. I then feel that power surface.

Nezu: "Good, now open your eyes."

I open them and see that aura around me.

Nezu: "Our emotions are a powerful force. If properly controlled then we're able to achieve great things. You have successfully harnessed your anger, you're one step closer to controlling the full extent of your quirk."

I smile and deactivate my quirk. A couple of days later I stand opposite All Might who's mid stretch.

All Might: "Alright Kai, let's see how much you've improved."

I nod and activate my quirk. Once I'm boosted I rush at All Might. I go to kick his chin but he leans back and smacks me into the ground. I pick myself up and run back to him.

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