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3rd POV

The doors leading into the USJ blow off landing several yards away. Through the smoke a raging Kai can be seen walking in. Throughout the times he's shown any negative emotions he's only been upset. But now, seeing everything falling apart and his brother in dire need has mad him beyond upset, he's pissed.

Shigaraki: "So it seems you survived the landing, you interest me. Get him."

Every villain present look at the transformed student and hesitate.

Shigaraki: "I said, get him!"

Their fatal flaw comes in the form of moving. Not even after taking a step Kai whistles down the steps hitting every single opponent in a pressure point taking them down. The other students stare in pure amazement at Kai's newly surfaced power.

Mina: "Is that even Kai?"

Kirishima: "I don't know."

Deku takes in Kai's new appearance and recalls something that makes his knees shake.

Mineta: "What's wrong with you?"

Deku: "That power, I've only heard mom talk about it once. One day when Kai was out fighting crime he was pushed into that form. In the aftermath it took several pro heroes to restrain him. The incident earned him the nickname the flaming demon."

Mineta: "Is that why there's fire around him?"

Deku: "That's the thing, it ain't fire. His anger is so out of control that his blood is boiling out of him giving the illusion of a fiery aura."

Mineta goes pale feeling incredibly sorry for the villains. Kai looks at Nomu and growls like a rabid animal. With a single step Kai breaks off Nomu's arm freeing his brother. Nomu screams in pain before punching Kai in the face.

Kai simply displays an annoyed reaction and grabs Nomu's face. Nomu tries to punch Kai but he slams Nomu into the dirt shattering the ground. Kai then grabs Nomu's other arm ready to break it when his destroyed arm regrows.

Nomu punches Kai all the way to the landslide portion of the USJ. His body slams into the mountain causing an actual landslide to fall. Kai gets out of the hole while roaring into the air. He then jumps quickly closing the distance between him and Nomu. 

When he arrives Kai rams his fist into Nomu's side bringing him to his knees. Kai then digs his fingers into Nomu's back before just chucking him into space. With him down Kai turns his attention to Kurogiri who envelopes him in his shadow. 

Kurogiri: "Got you."

A muffled scream is heard as smoke begins emitting from Kurogiri.

Kurogiri: "Too hot too hot!!!!!"

He lets go of Kai exposing neck armor. Kai notices it and grabs it. Kai begins applying pressure until the neck armor begins denting inwards.

Kurogiri: "Stop, please!"

Eventually something gives and a small snap is heard. Kurogiri's body goes limp as he succumbs to temporary paralysis. Kai drops Kurogiri and faces Shigaraki who slightly backs up. Kai displays a twisted smile before running towards Shigaraki.

Shigaraki attempts to grab Kai's throat but he flips over Shigaraki. Shigaraki looks over his shoulder as Kai's smile widens. Before Shigaraki can react Kai grabs the back of his neck and punches his lower back letting out a wicked snap. Shigaraki falls to the ground and becomes afraid.

Shigaraki: "My legs, I can't move them!!!!"

Kai begins laughing sinisterly as Shigaraki tries to crawl away, but Kai walks to him and stomps on where his back is broken. Shigaraki screams in pain as Kai keeps stomping all while laughing like a madman.

When Kai brings his foot up again the teachers finally arrive and get to work on containing the situation. Kurogiri fights his paralysis and teleports him and Shigaraki away. All Might walks up to Kai with his hands up to show he means no harm.

All Might: "Alright, it's over, you can power down now."

Kai stares at All Might in confusion before gritting his teeth. Thankfully before he can attack the toll hits him forcing him to stand down. Kai coughs out blood as All Might and a nurse rush to him.

Midnight: "Are you sure it's wise to keep someone like him in the school? He seems like a danger to everyone and himself."

Nezu: "I understand your concern, but he's gonna stay. We should just count ourselves lucky his body doesn't allow him to rampage for very long."

Nurse: "He's going into cardiac arrest, we need to get him to the hospital."

All Might: "Right away."

All Might scoops up Kai and jumps towards the nearest hospital.


Shigaraki and Kurogiri teleport to their base where they sigh in pain.

Shigaraki: "That boy, he's not human."

TV: "There a problem?"

Shigaraki: "Yes, you failed to mention one kid's power. He easily defeated Nomu and crippled me and Kurogiri."

TV: "My two best minions taken down by a child, how pathetic."

Kurogiri: "You don't understand, he's far from a child. He possesses power that I dare say matches or possibly surpasses All Might's."

TV: "Hmm, fine. I'll look into this individual. In the meantime you two rest. I'll need you in tip top shape for what's to come."

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