Calvary Battle

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Deku's team lands but they're confronted by Shoji and another team. They go to take flight but one of Grabbin Grape's attacks is sticking Uraraka to the floor. I look and see Tsuyu's tongue and Mineta's purple spheres heading for Deku's team. Deku weaves past their attacks before using the jet pack to take flight again. 

Bakugo fires explosions that launch him towards Deku. Bakugo reaches for the headband but thankfully Tokoyami uses his shadow to block Bakugo. Deku's team lands and try to put some distance between the other teams. 

However Todoroki's team come in and cut off their path. After a quick stare down Todoroki and his team make the first move. As they draw near Todoroki's team cover themselves with a cloth as Denki sends out a massive surge of electricity. 

Every team gets stunned when Todoroki freezes them in place. With them in frozen he steals their headbands quickly racking up points. Tokoyami sends out his shadow but Momo uses a stone slab to block it. 

Deku's team retreats but stops nearly going out of bounds. Now surrounded Todoroki's team draws closer. Iida shouts something and in an instant his team close the distance to Deku's team. Before Deku can react Todoroki manages to steal Deku's headband. 

Uraraka propels her team forward towards Todoroki's team. Deku's arm glows and in a brief moment I see Todoroki use his flames. Deku waves his arm dispelling Todoroki's flames. Deku then quickly nabs one of Todoroki's headbands around his neck. But something isn't right. In the final ten seconds teams Todoroki, Deku and Bakugo head for each other. Before either can connect Present Mic's voice is heard over the speaker.

Present Mic: "Time's up! And with that the second game is officially over. Now let's take a look who our top four teams are. In first place is team Todoroki. In second place team Bakugo. And third place is Tetsu- wait it's team Shinso, when'd they come back from the dead? And in fourth place is team Midoriya. These four teams will advance on to the final round."

I stand and cheer for Deku. 

Present Mic: "Now let's take an hour lunch break before we start the afternoon festivities. See you soon."

After having the break we all head back to the stadium.

Midnight: "Finalists, draw lots to see who you're up against. Then enjoy the pleasure of the recreational games before we start. The finalists have the option of participating in those activities or sitting out to prepare for battle. I'm sure you'll want to conserve your stamina. I'll start with the first place team."

Ojiro: "Sorry but, I'm withdrawing."

Iida: "But why?"

Ojiro: "It wouldn't be right. I barely remember anything from the calvary battle until the very end of it. I think it was that guy's quirk. I know this is a great opportunity, I wish I could take advantage of it but my conscience won't let me."

Kai: "If he's withdrawing then I'll take his place."

Midnight: "Very well, Kai shall take Ojiro's place, does anyone else wish to withdraw?"

A few more raise their hand. They're replaced and we get to the drawing. I then look up to see my opponent is someone named Shiozaki. I head to the waiting room while the minigames play out. I sit down and just pray my body will hold out. 

Present Mic: "Alright audience, let's cut to the good stuff and not delay these finals any longer. Welcome our first fighters. It's Izuku Midoriya from the hero course vs Hitoshi Shinso from general studies. The rules are simple, immobilize your opponent or force them outta the ring. You can also win by getting the other person to cry uncle. Bring out the injuries because we've got recovery girl waiting on stand by. Ready? Begin!!!"

Deku runs towards Shinso but just stops. 

Present Mic: "What's the dealio? The first match is supposed to start with a bang. The fight's just begun and Izuku Midoriya is completely frozen."

Kai: "This can't possibly mean anything good."

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