Declaration Of War

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All Might: "Oh Kai before I forget, principle Nezu wished to speak with you. He should be in his office."

I nod and make my way there, what could he possibly want? I politely knock and get let in. I enter the room to see Nezu sitting on a couch sipping on a glass of tea.

Nezu: "You made it, please have a seat."

Kai: *sits* "I'm not in trouble am I?"

Nezu: *chuckles* "No, you're not. I simply wish to speak with you about that power of yours I saw."

Kai: *looks down* "Oh."

Nezu: "The day Deku was injured at the battle center All Might said he saw something in you that scared him. I was skeptical at first, I never imagined him as the type to be easily scared. But then I saw your outburst at the USJ, it's there I saw what scared him. Please tell me about it."

Kai: "All you really need to know is that the me you saw was me fully boosted. I get inhuman strength and fight with no regard to whom I'm fighting or the damage that's done to my body."

Nezu: "I see, so that power is kinda like a double edged sword. You get phenomenal power but at the cost of damaging your body. That'd explain why you went into cardiac arrest when you calmed down."

Kai: "Yeah, it wasn't the first time I was injured though. The first time it happened I pushed my body too hard and had to be put in a coma for a week to recover. When I came to I made a promise to myself to never use that side unless absolutely necessary."

Nezu: "Recovery girl said you were lucky you were brought in when you were. Any longer and you would've surely perished. I also know that you're still suffering, are you sure you still wish to compete in the festival?"

Kai: "Yeah, as long as I don't overdo it with my quirk I'll be alright."

Nezu: "If you claim you'll be okay then I can relax. But I'll still have teachers keep their eye on you, the last thing we need is a student dying during a joyous occasion."

I nod and take my leave. I walk back to the classroom and find a whole sea of students at the doorway.

Boy: "If any of us do well in the sports festival the teachers can decide to transfer us to the hero course. And they'll have to transfer people out to make room. Scouting the competition, maybe some of my peers are but I'm here to let you know that if you don't bring your very best I'll steal your spot right out from under you. Consider this a declaration of war."

After that whole thing I exit the academy to train. I head to the gym and decide to strengthen my body. I grab the hanging bar and do a few pull ups. As I complete my fifth one a sharp pain hits my chest causing me to let go and fall.

Shoji: "You okay?"

Kai: "Just got a cramp."

Toru: "You should always stretch before working out."

I nod but know that's not the reason. My heart is still trying to recover from going berserk, I really need to be careful and decide when I should use my quirk at the festival. Before I knew it it was time for the festival to begin. Deku and I get our shoes on when mom runs to us.

Mom: "Be safe my babies."

Deku: "We will."

He leaves when mom grabs my shoulder.

Mom: "Please stay safe. And please make sure Deku does well."

Kai: "I will."

I hug her and head off to the festival. I slip on my uniform and follow the others to the arena.

Present Mic: "Make some noise you rabid sports fans!!!! This year we're bringing you some of the hottest performances in sports festival history guaranteed. I've only got one question before we start this show, are you ready!?!?!? Let me hear you scream as our students make their way through the main gate."

We walk out into the open and find the stadium jam packed with thousands of spectators.

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