End Of All For One

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3rd POV

All For One: "You really are something. Join me and together we'll rule this world."

All For One holds out his hand which Kai chomps down on. All For One scoffs and slams Kai into the ground.

All For One: "I offer you a chance to rule and you spit in my face. Now watch as I kill everyone you hold dear. Starting will All Might's little apprentice."

All For One walks to Deku when Kai shoots to his feet. He then wraps his arms around All For One and bends over slamming his neck onto the ground. 

All For One grabs Kai's wrists and slams him onto the ground. Kai staggers to his feet when All For one picks him up by his neck and fires a blast directly into his stomach

Reporter: "I don't know what to say folks, but it looks like a lone hero is holding back this unimaginable evil."

*all over*

Everyone watches helplessly as Kai is mercilessly spammed with the attack that leveled a part of the city. UA students watching cry as their fellow classmate gets the life slowly beaten out of him. All For one keeps delivering the attack which eventually blows a massive hole through Kai's jacket. Kai coughs out blood as he goes limp and slightly powers down.

All For One: "Come now, where's that fighting spirit from earlier? Don't tell me that's all you got. Here I was thinking I finally found someone who was actually worth my time. Ah I see now, that power is your weakness. You can only maintain it for so long before your body begins falling apart. How sad, such great power wasted on a small boy. It'll serve me better."

All For One stops the attack and grabs Kai's face. All For One's hand glows as Kai's quirk slowly is slowly taken from him. Kai screams in pain which only sounds like music to All For One. 

All Might: "You bastard!!!!!"

All Might punches All For One making him lose his grip on Kai. All For One scoffs and backhands All Might into the dirt.

All For One: "You're weak All Might. The boy's power will be mine, with it at my fingertips no one in this world will be able to stop me."

All Might: "The only way you'll get his power is when you kill me!!!!!"

All For One: "So be it."

All For One prepares an attack when Kai springs to life more angry than ever. 

All For One: "Impossible."

Kai grabs his arm and slams All For One onto the ground. All For One tries to attack but Kai won't give him the chance. Kai pins All For One down and punches his face with each hit getting stronger than the last one. 

Kai: "Die!!! Die die die die die die die die!!!!!!"

One of his punches shatters All For One's breathing mask. All For One grabs Kai's wrist and lifts him up while activating a strength quirk. He then slams his fist into Kai's lower back where a loud snap emits. He then tosses Kai into the dirt as he starts struggling to breath.

All For One: *gasping* "I won't... be defeated... so easily!!!!"

He activates over a dozen quirks which mutates his right arm. 

All For One: "Die boy!!!!"

All For One delivers his attack but has it blocked by All Might. The collision shatters his right arm making him cough out blood. He then transfers the last of his power to his left arm and punches All For One in the face. The attacks powers down his attack but he still stands. Now powerless All Might has his neck grabbed and lifted off the ground.

All For One: "If I'm gonna die... I'm taking you with me."

He goes to kill All Might but Kai breaks his wrist with a kick. All Might falls down grabbing his throat when Kai tackles All For One to the ground. He then just punches All For One's chest over and over until it caves in.

All For One: "Please... spare... me."

Kai screams while grabbing All For One's head. He then pulls until his head is torn clean off his body. He raises the severed head and screams displaying his victory to everyone. After tossing the head Kai pukes out blood before falling over. 

All Might catches him and holds him in his arms. He look and see a white streak develop in Kai's hair. All Might feels for a pulse and sighs in relief.

All Might: "You've done good kid, you can rest now."

A massive cheer erupts over the city as the threat is finally over. Through the cheers every UA student cries in happiness seeing Kai survive. Meanwhile his brother and mother fall to the ground in tears relieved that it's all over.


While the world cheers Shigaraki is left crying at the death of his master. His eyes trail up to see Kai being held by All Might. Shigaraki grabs the screen and grits his teeth as the tv crumbles to dust.

Shigaraki: "You. I'll kill you. I'll kill you for everything you've done!!!!!"

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