New Rage

366 7 3

3rd POV

Kai screams at the top of his lungs as a new level of his quirk activates. A cherry red aura surrounds him as all of his hair stands up. Veins then pop out as his blood rushes all over his body to try in keep up with the blood boiling out of him. 

Kai jumps out of the mountain causing it to cave in on itself. He lands forming a massive crater under him. He sniffs the air and growls catching multiple scents. In a blast he tears through the forest leaving destruction in his wake. After only a few seconds he arrives back at the first two villains.

Spinner: "Looks who's back, guess you need to be taught another lesson."

Before he can even reel back his sword Kai slams his face into the ground knocking him out cold. His eyes then fall on Magne who becomes very afraid.

Magne: "Stay back demon!!!"

Kai sprints towards him when Magne uses his quirk to repel Kai. He however buries his feet and begins forcing himself back to Magne.

Mandalay: "What is this power?"

Tiger: "He's not human."

Magne: "Why won't you go away!?!?!"

Kai springs towards Magne and knees his stomach stealing all of his air. To put him down for the count Kai punches his jaw sending him to the ground in the scorpion position. Kai turns south and jumps to deal with more of the villains.

Heading that direction we see Mustard getting the best of Kendo and Tetsutetsu. Mustard keeps firing bullets at Tetsutetsu when something makes him look to his left.

Mustard: "Like I already said, I can feel your movement in the smoke."

He aims his gun but Kai already slams his fist into his jaw shattering his mask.

Kendo: "Thank you."

Kai simply grits his teeth and runs off.

Tetsutetsu: "Well that was rude."

Kai continues to bring down the forest when his eyes narrow in anger seeing another villain. Toga begins laughing while siphoning Uraraka's blood when Kai punches her to the side. She glares but becomes scared seeing a flaming Kia walking to her.

Toga: "Hey come on, I don't want any trouble!"

Kai: *zombie like* "Must beat... villains."

Toga sees her life flash before her eyes and runs away as fast as she can. She looks over her shoulder and sighs in relief not seeing Kai. However as soon as her eyes turn forward Kai's fist slams into her face knocking her on her back. Now utterly petrified she crawls back while trying to bargain with Kai.

Toga: "Please don't hurt me. I promise I wasn't going to kill her. Let me live and I'll leave. I'll drop the league of villains and leave the country. You'll never see me again."

Kai: "Beat... villains."

She screams when Kai slams his foot into her stomach making her spit out blood. She tries to crawl away when Kai grabs her head and slams it down to the point her forehead is busted open. Barely conscious Kai slams her head one more time fully taking her out.

Still not satisfied Kai runs to the last group of villains. When he reaches his destination he sees four more villains with one of them being Kurogiri. Annoyed to see him alive he lunges at him. Dabi looks and fires a blast of blue flames.

Dabi: "That's you done."

Kurogiri: "Don't be fooled! He's not gonna go down that easily!!!"

Before Dabi can react Kai grabs his neck with the grip causing him to cough out blood. Dabi looks at Kai to see the only damage he received is a half burnt off left sleeve.

Dabi: "Impossible! You should be a a charred remaib!!!"

Kai punches Dabi in his stomach knocking him out. Twice sweats before running at Kai.

Twice: "I'll stop you."

As soon as he gets close he's backhanded into a tree with the impact splitting open his forehead. 

Kurogiri: "Fall back!!! We got what we need!!!"

Kai: "Die!!!"

Kai explodes to Kurogiri and punches his neck armor. A loud snap is heard as Kurogiri falls unresponsive.

Mr. Compress: "What the hell are you!?!?!?!"

Kai: "Power."

He goes to grab him when Kurogiri manages to warp him away. But Kia manages to tear open his pockets spilling a bead. 

Mr. Compress: "We won."

Once he's gone Kurogiri passes out and the bead shines as Tokoyami appears.

Deku: "They got Bakugo!!!"

Kai grabs his head and screams as the adrenaline wears off and an all consuming pain covers his body. His appearance shatters to normal and he falls onto the ground with a pool of blood forming under him.

*with villains*

Mr. Compress arrives at the bar to the surprise of Shigaraki.

Shigaraki: "Where're the others?"

Mr. Compress: "They were taken out, by a single boy." 

Shigaraki eyes widen, he did it again.

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