Chapter 1. Rainy Night, Desperate Heart.

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This fiction contains mature scene, which includes more of brutality and abuse, anger, violence,mistreat, angst, humiliated and overall torment throughout the series.
This story is not your typical romance and is suitable for readers who prefer darker themes in fiction.

Thanks for reading!
I hope you enjoy!



"Mr. Wang..." Zhan's eyes were empty, huddling up on the king-sized bed. He had turned the volume of the TV to the maximum, but the woman's voice next door still reached his ears through the wall. He could imagine what was happening there.

The man who was having sex with another woman next door was his husband.

The rain drizzled freely, outside, and the sky was gloomy with patches of dark clouds.


Suddenly someone was knocking at the door, each knock heralding the impatience and irritability of the knocker.

"Zhan!" Yibo's voice, suppressing his anger, came through the door.

Zhan sat up straight, his hands subconsciously covering his slightly bulging belly, his heart beating wildly.


Yibo, who couldn't get any immediate response, kicked the door open. He walked up to Zhan and pinched his chin, forced him to tilt his head up, tears sheathed face were obvious under the moonlight. Yibo shrugged his head off with disgust.

"I've completely lost my lust after seeing you."

Zhan's entire body stiffened and he lowered his head without sneaking a word.

At this time a charmingly head without speaking a word. At this time, a charmingly dressed woman leaning at the door said in a delicate voice, "Mr. Wang, I am still waiting..."

Yibo ignored her and pulled a stack of banknotes out from his wallet and flung them at Zhan.

"Zhan, go and buy something for me!"

The money was slapped on Zhan's face, but the shame spread deep inside his body. He gritted his teeth, and said,

"Yibo, I am your legitimate wife, how can you do this to me?"

The bottom of Yibo's eyes flinched over with a sneer, "If you hadn't framed me up, got yourself pregnant with my baby, and threatened me shamelessly with my grandfather, how could I marry you? Zhan, I'm sick of even looking at you!"

A cold smile floated at the corners of Zhan's mouth as he tilted his head and provoked, "You're sick of me now? Who was that man desperate to make love to me? Otherwise how would I get pregnant so quickly?"

Yibo was burning with anger, a hazing storm enshrouding in his eyes. He squeezed Zhan's sharp chin with his hand, his lips curled up cruelly, "Don't you know who I really love? If you haven't drugged me, making me mistake you for Chen Xiao, I won't even touch you. I never have sex with a slut like you!"

Yibo let him off and pushed him so hard that he lost his balance and fell on the ground. Zhan was so frightened that he hurriedly held his belly with grief.

"Zhan, you deserve it!" Yibo looked at him from above, without any hint of pity in his eyes.

"Come back in twenty minutes; otherwise, you are not allowed to get into the house!"

Everything happened so quick that Zhan's heart throbbed painfully.

He stood up with his hands supporting on the bed, and passed by Yibo, who was looking at him with a cold expression. When he reached the doorway, the woman gave a mocking laugh.

"Hurry up please, Mr Xiao."

Tears were running down from Zhan's eyes as he rushed out of the house and ran towards a 24-hour convenience store near the mansion.

It was the first time Zhan bought something like this, for his husband and another woman.

A thunderclap flashed across the sky, and he nursed his stomach as he quickened his pace. Eyes were sore as he thought of Yibo's mocking stare. With tears swirling in his eyes, the road in front became vague.

When he hurriedly rushed back to the mansion, he saw Yibo standing neatly at the door, looking at him.

Yibo was like a king, while he was as small as an ant.

His honored foot could easily stamp him to death if he wanted to.

"23 minutes and 1 seconds, time out!"

Yibo snatched what he wanted from his hands, and the door was shut down

with a BANG

"Don't shut me out, it's raining heavily..."

Zhan trembling pleas were shut out, together with his trembling body.

Zhan sat numbly on the ground, his face as pale as white paper.

Zhan sat numbly on the ground, his face as pale as white paper

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This was the man I loved for ten years.

Now, I became the mistress of the Wang's family simply because I'm pregnant. However, My husband was bringing women home every day. In his eyes, I could never compare with Chen Xiao.

A shock of thunder suddenly flashed across the sky and it was raining cats and dogs, blurring my view within a short time.

I looked at the closed door and leaned helplessly against it. My face went wet, unable to distinguish whether it was the spray of rain or the flow of my tears.

There was a huge gap between the once-virtuous Yibo and my current hostile and unpredictable husband. I had more than once dreamed of the first time when I met him ten years ago.

I was ten years old then, after suffering from hunger for three days. I finally couldn't stop myself from stealing from the supermarket. At that time, Yibo felt sorry for me, He took my hand and gave me a piece of bread. Then he told me,

A good child should not steal anything.

Zhan's eyes closed, bitter tears roaming into his mouth.

Maybe I did something wrong.



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